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Is being Gay really that bad?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:18 am
by Darwin_Rocks
One of the main arguments against gays presented by Christians is that by being gay you are not contributing to the population of the human race and are therefore going against god's plan.

However with todays overpopulation and dwindling resources is it really enough? I mean who really gets hurt by gay people? If they are two consenting adults what is wrong with a little boy on boy or girl on girl action?

Feel free to leave your comments, honesty is obliged.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:50 am
by Kurieuo
Please define what you mean by "bad", and tell me how you know if something is "bad"?


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:54 pm
by Dan
Homosexuality is "bad" because it is giving in to desire and lust. It is the same thing as a man who has several sexual partners, it is adultery and lusting for worldly pleasure.

You can love someone without having a sexual desire for them, I love all my male friends as much as my female friends. A person who is tempted by the devil to commit adultery with his own gender must resist! They must hold out from this temptation like every heterosexual man does when they desire a woman they are not in a relationship with.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:21 pm
by Darwin_Rocks
Please define what you mean by "bad", and tell me how you know if something is "bad"?
I define the term 'bad' as doing something which hurts other individuals for your own personal gain. We know something is 'bad' when another person is in anyway injured by the actions of the bad individual.
Homosexuality is "bad" because it is giving in to desire and lust. It is the same thing as a man who has several sexual partners, it is adultery and lusting for worldly pleasure.
I dont think it is the same as a man who has several sexual partners. What is wrong with devoting your life to one person entirely? Whether they be a member of the same sex or opposite? A person who is legally married is just as likely to cheat on their wife/husband as someone who is in a homosexual relationship.
You can love someone without having a sexual desire for them, I love all my male friends as much as my female friends. A person who is tempted by the devil to commit adultery with his own gender must resist!
But if someone who isn't attracted to the opposite sex loves a member of the same sex with the same ammount of love and affection as he would if he weren't homosexual what is wrong with engaging in activity that is pleasurable to both parties?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:04 pm
by Dan
Darwin_Rocks wrote:
Please define what you mean by "bad", and tell me how you know if something is "bad"?
I define the term 'bad' as doing something which hurts other individuals for your own personal gain. We know something is 'bad' when another person is in anyway injured by the actions of the bad individual.

I dont think it is the same as a man who has several sexual partners. What is wrong with devoting your life to one person entirely? Whether they be a member of the same sex or opposite? A person who is legally married is just as likely to cheat on their wife/husband as someone who is in a homosexual relationship.

But if someone who isn't attracted to the opposite sex loves a member of the same sex with the same ammount of love and affection as he would if he weren't homosexual what is wrong with engaging in activity that is pleasurable to both parties?
By your definition, homosexuality is bad because it spiritually hurts God and the people who partake in it.

This has nothing to do with cheating, this has to do with giving into temptation for worldly pleasure. It is adultery, the equivalent of cheating on a spouse because all adultery (and all sin) is equally evil under God.

Love isn't about sexual pleasure, it's about spiritual pleasure, the pleasure of loving someone for their spirit and heart, not for their gender. Sex is intended by God for reproduction, it is adulterous and lusty to do it for pleasure. Since a same sex couple can't reproduce, any sex is adultery, which is a sin.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:12 pm
by Prodigal Son

that was an awesome answer. it clarified alot for me. i have just recently come to accept that homosexuality is wrong--not being homosexual, but partaking in homosexual acts. i didn't fully understand why it was wrong, but God says and i try to accept. it is always wonderful when you come to understand why, though. thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:10 pm
by Kurieuo
Darwin_Rocks wrote:
Please define what you mean by "bad", and tell me how you know if something is "bad"?
I define the term 'bad' as doing something which hurts other individuals for your own personal gain. We know something is 'bad' when another person is in anyway injured by the actions of the bad individual.
Please note our definitions of what is bad are different. Christians generally don't believe something is bad because it hurts someone (e.g., what of a dentist who makes money giving people pain? ;)), but bad because it goes against God's design or intentions. Yet, if you something "bad" along the lines of your definition, then you may want to read the page at ... ality.html.


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:11 pm
by Shirtless

I personally believe that homosexuality, along with homosexual acts, are not sinful in the slightest. I firmly believe that all anti-gay feelings (that have become synonymous with Christianity) have no basis in the Bible, and that anti-gay arguments based on the Bible hold no water.

Of course this an interpretation of passages, and others could argue against my views. But as a former homophobe (yes, it is possible), I think the few passages that deal with "homosexuality" deserve a more critical eye. Here's a site that addresses the subject in detail:

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:14 pm
by Kurieuo
That's why in Canada I believe, they want to remove and ban the Leviticus passage on homosexuality, and I'm not quite sure how one gets around the passage in Romans 1.


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:24 pm
by Felgar
Fortunately Kurieuo, for now there is a specific provision in the gay marriage legislation that protects the right of religious groups to refuse to marry gay couples. So for now, the Bible is safe in this country. For how long is another question.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:27 pm
by Mastermind
I'm in Canada and I've heard of no such thing.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:31 pm
by Shirtless
Nothing should be banned from the Bible! The Law had a purpose and it was good!
I'm not quite sure how one gets around the passage in Romans 1.
It ain't easy, but but if one tries his best to to be objective and to put it into proper context (and if God hasn't hardened that person's heart), anything is possible...

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:34 pm
by Felgar
Mastermind wrote:I'm in Canada and I've heard of no such thing.
Yeah, it's actually been pretty well discussed in some circles. There are concerns that once gay marriage is legalized, the Bible will actually be labelled as hate literature and that the churches refusing to marry gay couples and preaching that homosexuality is wrong will be charged under hate laws.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:41 pm
by August
Also, where do you draw the line? What can be legalized next? Bestiality?

Homosexuality is strictly forbidden according to God's law, and is a sin. God's ideal for His creation is normal relationships, not unnatural ones. Society does not set the standard for God's law, and God does not obligate nor encourage us to fulfill all our desires. Desires that violate God's law must be controlled.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:43 pm
by Prodigal Son
although i believe homosexual behaviors are wrong, i do not believe that the government has any right to ban it and prohibit homosexual marriages.