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Proof Of The Trinity Exists?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:06 am
by Believer
I have to say, it has been on my mind a while and I am lead to believe that THERE is a God, I knew there was anyways, but I just observe how the world operates. A couple things I thought of goes as follows:

1.) Bible states 7 days of creation (6, anyways), thus we have 7 days

2.) B.C. exists and is accepted so the transition over to A.D. must mean that Jesus existed, otherwise we would still be in B.C. and B.C. is world known as "Before Christ".

I'm certain there is more I can't think of right now but why do atheists still go in their way to say none of this ever happened, it's all fake? Add more observations if you would like to.

Evidence for Christianity (and God!)

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:16 am
by kateliz
There is just so much evidence for Christianity out there you'd start to roll your eyes like I do :roll: at those "experts" who say there's no real proof, and that if you want to believe you have to take that infamous, (and blasphemous,) "leap in the dark" that the one guy with the name I can't spell, (knee-chee,) came up with to the eternal doom of many. In high school, (no, I'm not in college either, but that according to God's will,) I gave twice the same sixteen minute speech, with an awesome PowerPoint and everything, 8) on the historicity of the Bible. That means the proof for the Bible being a historically reliable document. I got most if not all of my material from Josh McDowell's Evidence That Demands a Verdict. I highly recommend it, but there's a lot of it to go through. Then, along with the historical evidence, which is enough in-and-of itself, there's the evidence of a personal God in Creation. This is my newest study, and I'm getting my foundation for it in the book The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel. I don't know if that's the best book on the subject because it's the only one I've read on it so far. This area of evidence includes all the areas of science, I believe. Then there's the evidence of the inward witness that people I think are most familiar with. Deep down we all just know. God placed this knowledge of Him in us, but we like to eigher deny it for selfish reasons, or we mutilate it with false ideas of what this personal god is like. Therefore you have all of the different religions man has made up. There's no shortage of proof for Christianity and it's God, you just have to look a little for it, sometimes, in order to be fully convinced of it. We don't find God, He finds us. That's in the Bible somewhere, said as just specifically as I said it. And I dare say that God's found you, although He has yet to firmly establish Himself in your mind. I've been a Christian since I was like seven, but it took me untill I was about fourteen to realize I didn't have a basis for my belief except for being raised with it. That was a very difficult time for me. I felt like I was hanging off of a cliff by allowing myself to honestly evaluate the evidence I thought I had for God's existence and the truth of Christianity. It is a big deal to put the reality of a God and a purpose for your existence on the line!!! I had very weak proof back then, but God saw it fit to illogically satisfy me with it. It convinced me just the same as all of the evidence I now know convinces me, and God has, like I think you said yourself, audible spoken to me, on two separate occassions, and constantly reveals to me His activities in my life in ways where there's no mistaking that He exists and is directing every part of my life and the world around me. It sounds like you're pretty much convinced because we base the numbering system for our years off of Christ's life, and the structure of our weeks off of Biblical events- which if you ask me can be perfectly fine evidence if it's God that's using it in your heart and not your mind feebly grasping at it by itself. I do recommend looking-up this other evidence though, because some day you may find yourself with a trial of faith that requires knowledge which you currently don't possess. Easier to find it now while you're still confident and use it as ammo. in the day of "reckoning" than to fall prey to the trial and get unnecessarily stressed out over it. Best of "luck" to you in your quest! And boy am I surprised no one else has responded to your post in all this time when it seems so important!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:34 am
by bizzt
we may say God had a purpose for no Response as we were waiting for you :wink: . However that was a great response

No Response God's Will

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:23 pm
by kateliz
Oh, I feel so loved! God is so Good. He's been showing me lately that He does want me to share what He's given me, and your comment on my comments is just another confirmation of this for me. I just love it! I'm so excited about it all! A few hours ago I was at my Bible study, (we actually went over numerous verses this time,) and boy, did the place get jumping! The pastor seemed to attribute it to myself when he spoke with me afterwards. I'm not boasting, I just absolutely love it when God uses me to reach other people! Who wouldn't? And thanks for the compliment, but credit the One who gave it to me. I just love Him! He's so Good.

Re: No Response God's Will

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:41 pm
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:Oh, I feel so loved! God is so Good. He's been showing me lately that He does want me to share what He's given me, and your comment on my comments is just another confirmation of this for me. I just love it! I'm so excited about it all! A few hours ago I was at my Bible study, (we actually went over numerous verses this time,) and boy, did the place get jumping! The pastor seemed to attribute it to myself when he spoke with me afterwards. I'm not boasting, I just absolutely love it when God uses me to reach other people! Who wouldn't? And thanks for the compliment, but credit the One who gave it to me. I just love Him! He's so Good.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:17 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I know of an eyewitness report, man! When Jesus was baptized, heaven broke loose, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove came down, and a voice from heaven spoke, basically saying, "THIS IS MY SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED."

Re: No Response God's Will

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:00 pm
by kateliz
bizzt wrote:
kateliz wrote:Oh, I feel so loved! God is so Good. He's been showing me lately that He does want me to share what He's given me, and your comment on my comments is just another confirmation of this for me. I just love it! I'm so excited about it all! A few hours ago I was at my Bible study, (we actually went over numerous verses this time,) and boy, did the place get jumping! The pastor seemed to attribute it to myself when he spoke with me afterwards. I'm not boasting, I just absolutely love it when God uses me to reach other people! Who wouldn't? And thanks for the compliment, but credit the One who gave it to me. I just love Him! He's so Good.
I love you too, bizzt. Are you a joy-buzzer or something?

Re: No Response God's Will

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:58 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:
bizzt wrote:
kateliz wrote:Oh, I feel so loved! God is so Good. He's been showing me lately that He does want me to share what He's given me, and your comment on my comments is just another confirmation of this for me. I just love it! I'm so excited about it all! A few hours ago I was at my Bible study, (we actually went over numerous verses this time,) and boy, did the place get jumping! The pastor seemed to attribute it to myself when he spoke with me afterwards. I'm not boasting, I just absolutely love it when God uses me to reach other people! Who wouldn't? And thanks for the compliment, but credit the One who gave it to me. I just love Him! He's so Good.
I love you too, bizzt. Are you a joy-buzzer or something?
I try to be but you have doubts in me now :(

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:39 pm
by Battlehelmet
Have faith in God. -Jesus

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:40 pm
by Battlehelmet
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:I know of an eyewitness report, man! When Jesus was baptized, heaven broke loose, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove came down, and a voice from heaven spoke, basically saying, "THIS IS MY SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED."
Then you seem to doing ok AKMS..I see the enthusiasm in your post.

Thumbs up.