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Bible Codes - The Truth Is Here

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:06 pm
by Believer
Hello, my dad is a world known doctor, he travels and teaches. He has a patient that has been studying Bible Codes for about 15 years and he struck a startaling revelation, throughout the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic Bibles. His patient doesn't use the same method as most Bible Code experts use because he believes it is flawed. I can't go into it because it is to technical and private, BUT throughout those Bibles, he found it to say that "God is One", "God is Jesus", "God is Holy", "God is the Universe", "God is the Beginning and the End" , "God is Truth" and so on, all in perfect harmony. These are simple sentences, but shows that there REALLY is something "behind" the Bible. He is 3 months away from finishing the Bible Codes from Genesis to Revelations and he has encountered a major problem, Satan seems to have him and wont let the truth out. He has been having really hard times finishing, he has had financial trouble, and other stuff that has gone arey. People, this method he uses is not like the ones you have seen on t.v. or what most of the Bible Code experts use, it is different, unique. He will have a book out sooner or later, but from what is happening here is that truth is in the Bible tucked away and is showing that God is indeed the author of the Bible. I have no doubts. You can scoff all you want at this but until you read his book, you will not understand. There is MUCH more to it than what I have posted due to privacy concerns.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:20 pm
by Mastermind
I'll be sure to read it as long as he doesn't use the same stupid methods that most people who are trying to find a bible code do.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:36 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
If you have the right can make any book say Elvis lives....

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:23 pm
by voicingmaster
Why would God write in code and try to hide His truth?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:46 pm
by Mastermind
voicingmaster wrote:Why would God write in code and try to hide His truth?
If He tried to hide it, He wouldn't put it in the book in the first place. Then again He didn't write the bible Himself either...
And there is plenty hidden in the bible. You need to meet certain conditions to uncover certain truths.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:20 pm
by Believer
Mastermind wrote:
voicingmaster wrote:Why would God write in code and try to hide His truth?
If He tried to hide it, He wouldn't put it in the book in the first place. Then again He didn't write the bible Himself either...
And there is plenty hidden in the bible. You need to meet certain conditions to uncover certain truths.
Just to clarify, it is books into one book and God did write the Bible in a way. He inspired it to men to write down exactly what he wanted written down. :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:32 pm
by Anonymous
God didnt actually commision the book but mortal man did in the 4th century. Constantine needed a common cannon to unity christianity under pagan rule.

Im sure most of you know of this.

I doubt (thats me doubting) that these men deliberately created a code. However God undoubtedly had a hand in the massing of the books that ultimately created a united front for all christians.

So just how clever is GOD>


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:36 pm
by Mastermind
Michael wrote:God didnt actually commision the book but mortal man did in the 4th century. Constantine needed a common cannon to unity christianity under pagan rule.

Im sure most of you know of this.

I doubt (thats me doubting) that these men deliberately created a code. However God undoubtedly had a hand in the massing of the books that ultimately created a united front for all christians.

So just how clever is GOD>

Why would Constantine unite christianity under pagan rule?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:59 pm
by Anonymous
Christians made the perfect Pagan sacrifice and after Constantines, literal overnight transformation, he had put a stop to this.

Chrisitanity was going mainstream and growing tremedously. Constantine made more a political move than anything in creating a common cannon to govern the pagans and the christians. (my humble opinion of course)

It might explain alot of the pagan symbology found throughout the history of christianity.

Council of Nicea 325ad I think might add much better insight than I can even imagine to provide.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 2:07 am
by JBirdAngel
any large book can say almost anything if you want it to... i mean this is language with only so many words, and a book about God and the truth and so on its not hard to put such sentences together, and i can see that God is the Truth and all that in the Bible without a code simply be reading it...

i do not mean anything negative about the person you know and their Bible code, however i do not believe in a Bible code i dont think, there is no need for it, and i really dont think it makes sense

the Holy Spirit is supposed to lead us to the truth, not a code...

the intent or message of the Bible may be perfect, but the Bible each of us has in our home definatly is not perfect, and no man is perfect, and no man can write perfectly, He can be lead to write something that is truth, but that doesnt mean he does it perfectly, even if the original texts were perfect, we dont have those anymore, and what we have definatly isnt error proof, as we can see from different translation errors and so on, with translating through different languages the actual text of the Bible cannot be perfect, because every word does not translate perfectly to every other language, however the meaning of the Bible is true and free of error and the holy spirit can lead us to that...

i used to not think that everything in the Bible happened, like that the story of Adam and Eve was just a story of creation, the more i learn adn get into it though, i do believe that the events of the Bible actually happened, i believe that Adam and Eve were/are real people, and that the flood happened and the parting of the sea and all that, however that doesnt mean we understand everything or what is meant by it, especially not on first glance... such as Luke 14:26, based on the rest of the Bible this verse clearly doesnt mean to actually hate your family, you are of course to love your family and everyone, it is just to emphasis that Jesus must come first.

why did they make it so hard? its not fun to think you understand and then to find one verse that seems to say the opposite of everything else..

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:01 pm
At first I thought you meant that Satan has God, and he wont let him out :shock:

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:07 pm
by Anonymous
Tell the "friend" to find a publisher. I would be interested to read it.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:51 pm
by Believer
believer wrote:Tell the "friend" to find a publisher. I would be interested to read it.
Yes, my dad's patient that has been working on this project for a long, long time, already has a publisher, it is just awaiting being printed. Roughly 3,000 pages from what he told me.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:56 pm
by Anonymous
No, really, seriously.... I would like to read this. Please keep me (and all of us ;-) ) up to date!

But.....can you please give us a little bit of a hint? Please?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:00 pm
by Believer
believer wrote:No, really, seriously.... I would like to read this. Please keep me (and all of us ;-) ) up to date!
Oh, I will :wink:! See other part here. What are your beliefs believer? And I mean for everything.