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Can I be forgiven? Please help me?!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:35 am
by Anonymous
Recently something very horrible/disgusting/embarrassing happened (i thought I had some horrible disease, ok) to me (not the first time) involving (what I think) is shall I say is called 'growing up?'
Anyways I was totally freaked, frightened & horrified. I was in tears and the whole 'WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!' thing started again...
I was really upset, swearing (which I know is a sin - but a forgivable one when sorry) and shouting to myself as I would. However -and this I sincerely regret- for the first time I actually swore AT God in the midst of it all. I would never have done this before and in a matter of a few seconds I was even more worried and was apologizing immediately and now this had created even more sadness inside me. Later (after much pain) I was OK with my problem (i think) but I have been worried sick about swearing to/at God. I didn't swear lightly and I said it with anger which makes it all even worse.
I am deeply sorry and have prayed to God with my apologies and sorrows and requested forgiveness.
I wish I hadn't of said it. :(
I do hope that hopefully God will find it to forgive me,
What's your opinion? Will he?
Someone please give me advice back me up ...
Anyone ...
Thanks so much in advance,

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:14 am
by August

If you truly repented in holy belief, believe that you are forgiven through the blood of Jesus, and truly accept the love of God. Your salvation depends on your acceptance of God's mercy, and your love for Him by obeying His commands.

Is your question specifically whether you can be saved after cussing at God?
I believe that it can be forgiven, but it is only you and God that can have that conversation, since no-one on earth can know what is in your heart. You have to question your own motives for not crying out to God for His help in what you thought was your most dire moment, but rather to curse Him.

If you have been reborn, and are truly sorry for what you did and sincerely asked for forgiveness, I would have to think you are forgiven.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:47 am
by Kurieuo
I'd say if Christ's blood can't cover that, then it couldn't cover very much. Didn't He after all forgive those who drove nails into Him to hang on a cross?

BTW, did you get an answer to your question? ;)


Re: Can I be forgiven? Please help me?!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:00 am
by Believer
JamesDude01 wrote:Hi,
Recently something very horrible/disgusting/embarrassing happened (i thought I had some horrible disease, ok) to me (not the first time) involving (what I think) is shall I say is called 'growing up?'
Anyways I was totally freaked, frightened & horrified. I was in tears and the whole 'WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!' thing started again...
I was really upset, swearing (which I know is a sin - but a forgivable one when sorry) and shouting to myself as I would. However -and this I sincerely regret- for the first time I actually swore AT God in the midst of it all. I would never have done this before and in a matter of a few seconds I was even more worried and was apologizing immediately and now this had created even more sadness inside me. Later (after much pain) I was OK with my problem (i think) but I have been worried sick about swearing to/at God. I didn't swear lightly and I said it with anger which makes it all even worse.
I am deeply sorry and have prayed to God with my apologies and sorrows and requested forgiveness.
I wish I hadn't of said it. :(
I do hope that hopefully God will find it to forgive me,
What's your opinion? Will he?
Someone please give me advice back me up ...
Anyone ...
Thanks so much in advance,
Hey James, I can relate to your problem. First of all, yes, you are forgiven if you have believed God has forgiven you, if you havn't, you don't trust the Lord. I at one point in my life blasphemied God and that is what you were doing, blasphemy, anything you say against God is a blasphemy, even taking His name in vain. I struggled with the acceptance that I was forgiven and you know what? I was. God audibly told me I was forgiven. This was the middle of last year when I wasn't really considered to be a Christian, I certainly wasn't atheist. But I was forgiven, I don't worry about it anymore. You have to blasphemy your ENTIRE life like the Pharisees to be unforgiven. So I say to you that yes you are forgiven if you accept it and believe it. I've been there ;).

Thank you all for your help ...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:03 am
by Anonymous
Thank you so much for all your help and advice ...
I am truly grateful and thankful to you all for your support.
In my heart I have always called out help for God when I needed it, and getting so stressed and saying these things bad to him was horrible. I believe God will forgive me. In my heart I have always known God as the forgiver of sins, the healer of pain and in the father of the world.
I believe that saying these things so harshly has made me change the way I think. I will never say oh my --- again without thinking twice.
In my heart I believe God can forgive me for I believe he is that kind and forgiving.
I would also like to add that in my heart I am truly sad and sorry when I think of what I have done. :(
Please keep yours posts, opinions and votes coming,
Thanks again,

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:24 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
(off topic) isn't there something, though, about blaspheming the Holy Spirit being the biggest no no?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:33 pm
by Mastermind
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:(off topic) isn't there something, though, about blaspheming the Holy Spirit being the biggest no no?
We have discussed that already. See if you can find the topic around here somewhere.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:56 pm
by Deborah
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:(off topic) isn't there something, though, about blaspheming the Holy Spirit being the biggest no no?
Blaspheming the holy spirit is refusing gods forgiveness.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:37 pm
by Dan
Through Jesus all acts against God are forgiveable. Every single one. The only unforgiveable act is rejecting the Holy Ghost, because that's how God forgives you. It's like suffocating because you refuse to put on an oxygen mask.

Holy Ghost?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:52 am
by Anonymous
Dan wrote:Through Jesus all acts against God are forgiveable. Every single one. The only unforgiveable act is rejecting the Holy Ghost, because that's how God forgives you. It's like suffocating because you refuse to put on an oxygen mask.

So are you saying it's only like if you blaspheme against forgiveness? I Did it against God but not forgiveness. I wouldn't do that because if it's like saying you don't want forgiveness - obviously that is unforgivable ...? See where I'm going? I was in a state last night and a wise man (my dad) spoke to me and said that I was obviously sorry about what I had done. He said if there is a God (which there is) he would forgive those in need and sorrow like me. The fact I seemed sorry, so he said, was a sign I wouldn't like saying it and it could be forgiven. I also feel in my heart God will forgive me and maybe that shows I believe more .... ?
Thanks for all your help and please keep the posts coming,
PS. If you blaspheme the Holy Spirit (forgiveness), it cannot be forgiven ... is it saying you don't want God's forgiveness? I mean within seconds of cursing i was asking forgiveness, not refusing it....

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:40 am
by August
The context of the blaspheming against the Holy Spirit was that some of the Jews, after hearing the gospel, went back to Judaism, thereby rejecting the saving grace of Jesus and being reborn. Since the only way you can be reborn is through the Holy Spirit working in you, they necessarily and consciously rejected the Holy Spirit by going back to their old ways, and were by default blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.

You are not continuing to reject the saving grace, and you are truly repentant, as far as I can tell. What is really important is that you move on now, accepting that God has forgiven you, stop agonizing about it, trust Him. Give praise for your being forgiven, and start returning the favour by working for the good of His kingdom on earth.

Thank you .. I will move on ...

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:01 am
by Anonymous
Thank you all for your posts and advice. You have truly helped me make light of my situation and I am very thankful.
As far as blasphemy against the holy spirit goes - rejecting forgiveness and going back is wrong. I will accept forgiveness with great thankfulness (if that's a word!) and I will move on. I will remember never to do this again. I will remember God's good will and forgiveness and carry on.
Again I cannot thank you all too much for your wisdom,
PS. Don't take this as an end to the topic or anything, although the chapter (issue) is near and end to me, I would still love to hear your advice and opinions. Thanks again.

Re: Thank you .. I will move on ...

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:23 am
by Believer
JamesDude01 wrote:As far as blasphemy against the holy spirit goes - rejecting forgiveness and going back is wrong. I will accept forgiveness with great thankfulness (if that's a word!) and I will move on. I will remember never to do this again. I will remember God's good will and forgiveness and carry on.
Hey James, you're welcome, and you were in the same pond as me so have some faith in God that he will forgive you, he always does if you turn to him. Also as far as not doing it again, even taking the Lords name in vain is blasphemy among other things that go against God. So when you say "I will remember never to do this again", it isn't really that possible although it could be, if your Jesus :lol: . I wouldn't say we are doomed for hell, because we turn to God, and therefore we are justified under Christs blood. So if you slip, no big deal, just turn to God and ask for forgivness, just try not to continue in that way.

Here is a useful link just for somone like you that wants to know the real truth on blashphemy -

I will tell you I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Paranoia, and other problems in my life. When I read that article on blashphemy I provided you a link for, I started dwelling on it, I started "testing" blashphemy on God to see what would happen, well not really to see what would happen, but of course I didn't TRUELY mean it. My OCD kicked in and I started blashpheming God for a good week and a half consistently in my thoughts. It was so bad I said it outloud to make it all go away but it didn't, UNTIL I surrendered to God. Then it stopped. I blasphemy in a different way from time to time (because Satan wants me in Hell, so he puts thoughts in my mind as I am becoming a stronger Christian) but I don't TRUELY mean it, I ask for forgivness, and I am forgiven because I come to God unlike athiests who don't turn to God for their sins because they believe a God doesn't exist. Blasphemy comes in all different forms, but if you live a life with God you will always be forgiven, trust me, I had to be helped for over 8 months to accept the fact I was forgiven until I could relize it for myself. I no longer think about it, much :roll:.

POINT IS: Live with God, you are forgiven, reject God, you are unforgiven.

Thanks again ...

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:52 am
by Anonymous
Thanks, when I say i won't do it again I really mean I'll try not to but it'll be hard to go all the way by eg. never saying oh my --- again, a phrase I have often used before.

Whenever I have had problems and am dwelling on my sins I pray to God eg. turn to him. As for the article, I have read a bit of it and I am very grateful for your help. What I picked up so far was that it is unforgivable to turn to God and call him evil, for what you think is right and turn against him to prove yourself right ... I think ... (what did the article tell you?) But what I did was bad, I know it. I have asked for forgiveness and am truly grateful for it ...

Thank you all so much for your help
