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God and Hitler...

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:44 pm
by Anonymous
have you ever thought that god and hitler and sadam all are dictators and are very alike wether you like it or not. hitler told the germans the english were bad. god tells us the devil is bad. THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY. I dont worship the devil but i just want to get my points across.

It was satan not god that gave us freewill. In eden adam and eve were to worship god or be banished to a life of pain and death ( not really an idea of free will). satan released us by telling them to eat that apple. in doing so he gave us the choice to do what we want and choose who we worshiped wether it was him or not.( a choice of religion).

wouldnt you all think it unfair for one person to rule the entire world and if you dont like his ideals you are punished. how would you like sadam to rule the world????. Maybe satan realised it was unfair for one to rule us all and enforce his beliefs on all of us so he evened it up a bit.

what proof do we have that satan is bad we have only heard gods version. not satans. maybe the god you follow is satan ,wouldnt that be the smart thing to do make the world think you were god, and that god was actually satan.

Wether you like it or not god made us so that he could be worshiped. thats seems rather vein dont you think?????

by the way i do not worship satan or christianity , i believe there is a god but none that we worship.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:52 pm
by Prodigal Son
phew, were you on an acid trip when you wrote this!? :lol:

well, the first flaw in your thoughts is that satan introduced free will. since God created satan, and it may have been satan's purpose was to introduce free will (which i have thought of before), then God still is the introducer since he created satan for this purpose.
wouldn't you all think it unfair for one person to rule the entire world...
yeah, i would. but, God is not a person, so this statement is irrelevant even to your own purposes! besides, God created this world so he can do as he pleases.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:04 pm
by August
have you ever thought that god and hitler and sadam all are dictators
No. Dictator: - a ruler who is unconstrained by law [syn: potentate] 2: a person who behaves in an tyrannical manner. By what authority do you make this judgement?
and are very alike wether you like it or not.
Do you know God? You don't worship Him, so how can you know any of these things that you ascribe to Him?
Not in this case.
I dont worship the devil but i just want to get my points across.
So you worship God? Absence of God worship is bowing to evil.
It was satan not god that gave us freewill.
How do you know this? Who says we have absolute free will?
In eden adam and eve were to worship god or be banished to a life of pain and death ( not really an idea of free will). satan released us by telling them to eat that apple.
Don't worship the devil, huh?
in doing so he gave us the choice to do what we want and choose who we worshiped wether it was him or not.( a choice of religion).
And you made your choice. How do you know Satan gave us choice? Define choice.
wouldnt you all think it unfair for one person to rule the entire world and if you dont like his ideals you are punished.
God is not a person, that is why He is called God.
how would you like sadam to rule the world????
We didn't, that is why he's in jail. And Hitler is dead.
Maybe satan realised it was unfair for one to rule us all and enforce his beliefs on all of us so he evened it up a bit.
Oh, so he is actually a good guy? How do you know what his motives were, did you meet him? So it's ok if he enforces his beliefs?
what proof do we have that satan is bad we have only heard gods version. not satans. maybe the god you follow is satan ,wouldnt that be the smart thing to do make the world think you were god, and that god was actually satan.
Define proof. What is God's version? I thought you knew what satan wanted to do, apparently not? Can you please clarify this a bit?
Wether you like it or not god made us so that he could be worshiped. thats seems rather vein dont you think?????
So would you rather not exist? And yes, God told us He was jealous and not worship anything or anyone else. What is your point?
by the way i do not worship satan or christianity , i believe there is a god but none that we worship.
Who's we? These are mutually exclusive, it's one or the other, if you don't worship God...

I have a couple of questions of my own:
1. How do you know there is good and evil?
2. What will happen to you if you die tonight?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:37 pm
by Mastermind
in doing so he gave us the choice to do what we want and choose who we worshiped wether it was him or not.( a choice of religion).

Yay, instead of living peacefully in Eden, I now have to be tortured for a few dozen years and risk eternal damnation. THANKS SATAN THIS FREE WILL STUFF IS GREAT!!!!!


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:04 am
by Anonymous
satan didnt punish us by giving us freewill you fool , we hurt ourselves we had the chance to make this a heaven but we didnt!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 7:35 am
by August
satan didnt punish us by giving us freewill you fool
What did satan create? How can he "give" us anything?

Also, you did not answer any of my questions, shall we take you you don't know the answers and you just came here to insult God and Christians, and to praise satan?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:40 am
by Mastermind
white89er wrote:satan didnt punish us by giving us freewill you fool , we hurt ourselves we had the chance to make this a heaven but we didnt!!!
Make it a heaven? It was already a heaven. Then satan came and tricked us into falling and you expect me to praise him? Go to hell(and forgive the pun).

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 4:29 am
by Deborah
Sorry but this is a crock!
There is only one side and that is GODS!
We have a choice, it is God that gave us that choice.
If we want to earn a place in eternity with god, then we WILL do his will, and what is more we will choose to worship god and follow the example set By god when he walked on this earth as Christ!
God allowed the death of Christ to wash away our sins and give us a chance.
God as Christ truly SUFFERED for all of us!
You call him a dictator, Rubbish!, he asks that all come to him on their own, and he asks that all who have come to him live their lives by the example christ set them.
Our reward for our sacrifice is to live an eternity with god living among us.
If we chose to live this life, (that is a trail) apart from god, then we will spend eternity separated from god, the difference being that we will know of his existence. How much more simple can it be. We get chance after chance to repent and still some of us are too unreasonable to realize that god has planted the answers for this test of life in his word, so that we may achieve that final lesson that makes us ready for eternity as the family of god. that lesson is when we have learnt to love mankind and god with everything we are. These are the two most important commandments of god!

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:14 am
by Anonymous

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:28 am
by Anonymous
one of the same, put george bush in that bracket too!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:47 am
by Mastermind
Paddy Conor O'Bradbury wrote:one of the same, put george bush in that bracket too!
Another freethinker enslaved by the media. How peculiar. :roll:

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:37 pm
by voicingmaster
God is the one entity that can handle His position of such amount of power and not be corrupted by it. Power corrupts all but God. Only a perfect being can handle that power that comes to the ruler of heaven and earth.

About Hitler saying the English are bad and God saying that Satan is bad. Hitler's statements had to do with politics and economy and stuff. However, God can't lie, Satan is bad. Back when Satan was good, God had a good system going in heaven. Satan wanted more power than he deserved, he wanted God's throne, which is treason. God couldn't allow that, and banished him from heaven. There is no other side, that's it, just an angel that wanted to usurp God b/c he wanted power. However, Satan is an imperfect being, and thus would be corrupted fast from that much power, then we'd all be screwed.

Now for your free will ranting. God obviously gave Adam and Eve free will before the fall. This is obvious b/c the fall happened. If Adam and Eve had no free will, they would be unable to give into Satan's temptation. If they had no free will, they'd only be drone who could only follow God's orders and couldn't make choices for themselves. A computer can't disobey it's user, but Adam and Eve did, therefore they aren't mindless drones, therefore they had free will. Therefore, Satan gave us no gift.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:41 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
God introduced free will. Satan just tempted. If God hadn't given free will, then Satan couldn't have made Adam and Eve eat the fruit...I'm with the other guy...acid trip?
hitler told the germans the english were bad. god tells us the devil is bad.
But Hitler did is so everyone wouldn't mind killing the English...God did it for our safety. It's the same as your mom saying, "Now Billy, don't hang with larry over there, because he uses acid!"
It was satan not god that gave us freewill. In eden adam and eve were to worship god or be banished to a life of pain and death ( not really an idea of free will). satan released us by telling them to eat that apple. in doing so he gave us the choice to do what we want and choose who we worshiped wether it was him or not.( a choice of religion).
Satan didn't give us the choice, God did. Satan just pushed Adam and Eve towards the door marked exit.
wouldnt you all think it unfair for one person to rule the entire world and if you dont like his ideals you are punished. how would you like sadam to rule the world????. Maybe satan realised it was unfair for one to rule us all and enforce his beliefs on all of us so he evened it up a bit.
Sadam serves himself...God, in a grand paradox, helps man...He's not a killjoy or an evil little ****(tator).