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About Acharya S...

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:44 pm
by Mastermind
I don't know if this was posted when the Mithra/Dyonysus myths regarding Jesus were brought up, but I find it extremely interesting that she would talk about aliens. Maybe she was anal probed when she was younger. ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:58 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Maybe she was anal probed when she was younger.
Proctoligists gotta make a living...

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:06 pm
by Mastermind
That site has to be one of the best sites I've ever seen. I find it kind of amusing that Holding has a satire section, since most of the articles are humorous enough to stand on their own.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:10 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
As Jordan Maxwell points out, the benediction or blessing sign of the Feast (of the giving of the law) is the same as the split-fingered, "live long and prosper" salutation of the Vulcan character Spock on "Star Trek." Vulcan, of course, is the same word as volcano, and the Roman god Vulcan was also a lightning and volcano god.
Ha ha! That Jordan Maxwell is one fun character, and Achy is just a conspiracy-mongering party animal, no? Beam her up, Scotty, the aliens are calling! (News flash from an old Trekkie: Leonard Nimoy grew up in a Jewish home, and he was using the split-finger symbol long before Roddenberry conceived of the guy with the pointed ears. Even so, this is the kind of riotous connection-making that shows us just how worthless Achy's scholarship is.)
He is pretty funny...