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The Holy Grail

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:54 pm
by Darwin_Rocks
Hey I bought a book callled 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' it suggests that the Holy Grail is actually Mary Magdalene and that she carried the Jesus blood line.

I know this is a subject of much controversy, especially amongst the christian crowd.

I'm not saying that the Holy Grail IS Mary Magdalene, I dont think we will ever have enough evidence to prove either way, but if it isn't, what is the Holy Grail and do you think we will ever find it?

Discuss if you wish.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 6:01 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
It is the cup Jesus that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper....and I doubt people will be able to find that exact cup from almost 2000 years ago, still intact, with some features that will somehow prove it was what Jesus used. Read the tabloids, though, and they'll say they've already found it. :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:51 pm
by Felgar
Yeah, I think it's the cup too. Even if we found it, I wouldn't expect anything to happen. It wouldn't have any special powers or anything like we see in Indiana Jones.

The only real power comes straight from God and through those with faith. If we had enough faith anyone could heal in that manner (and some do).

Jesus & Mary Magdalene were NOT married or intimate sexu

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 5:50 pm
by Zoe
The suggestion that Mary Magdalene is the Holy Grail implies that she and Jesus Christ were sexually intimate, as they had offspring. This claim is not even implied in scripture, and was fabricated at some point by false teachers. If you accept the possibility that Christ and Mary M were married, etc...then the Bible itself is a lie. Because it never says it, and Jesus is referred to again and again as not only being sinless, but being the SOn of GOd and EQUAL to God. Once, when the disciples were asking him about marriage in heaven, Jesus told them there was no marriage in heaven, so that would imply that marriage is a creation for the flesh, not the spiritual realm. Every aspect of Jesus' coming to the earth to be the atoning sacrifice for sins would be nullified and belittled if he were married while he was here. The book you refer to? I'd stay clear of it. And stick to GOd's Word.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:36 am
by JBirdAngel
is the holy grail even mentioned in the Bible, or where does its mentioning come from?

my knowledge is mostly from Indiana Jones as far as the grail goes, in which it was the cup of the last supper, and its also that in the Knights of the Holy Grail or wahtever its called...

While Jesus could have easily been married, and had children, as it isnt sinful in the least, i also do not think this happened, as if it did i would think it would be more shown in the Bible, while the Bible doesnt say EVERYTHING, there really is no mention of such a marriage, and there is no reason that it would be hidden... as to be in certain high jewish positions one was required to be married werent they?

Also in response to Zoe, marriage as what we have, a ceremony and a law binding too people, is created by man, however the in love relationship that a proper marriage should represent is indeed God made, and does indeed exist in Heaven, this is clear in Genesis when God created Adam and Eve to be one flesh, to have sex and to have offspring, being one flesh doesnt mean sex, as Adam knew his wife when they had sex.

Marriage will not be in Heaven, but just as Adam and Eve were together, we will be with that one person that God made to be our complement, to complete us, to spend eternity with that person, it is clear in the Old Testament, and in the new when Jesus re establishes that God intended for man and woman to be one flesh, and that man should not undo what God does.

which is why we wont marry or be given in marriage in Heaven, for the same reason that Adam and Eve didnt have a wedding, that they didnt get married, that they werent given in marriage, there was no wedding, God created them to be one and in love, they both knew they were in love, and God knew they were in love, for them to marry each other would be pointless, they are one flesh, there is no question of that, however in this fallen world our hearts are hard, our minds slow, and we need marraige to keep the structure of the relationship God intended for us to have, but clearly even with marriage we mess it up.

I still get confused about Jesus and God, it is clear that we are only to worship God, so... do we worship Jesus also? I mean i dont get it, like they are one, but they also arent? and we are to pray in Jesus name, but are we to worship Him the same way as we do God, i mean i guess i wouldnt know how to not do that? but i just worry about doing things wrong...

i just cant wait to get to Heaven/the new earth, where sin will be no more, i can be with my love, my family, my friends forever worshiping God and doing his will and no longer have to be troubled by sin or worry about doing this wrong, and when i have a question, who better to ask than God or Jesus himself... that will be awesome :) though i still fear i wont be able to go there as i struggle with all things, and of course still sin, which i understand we cant prevent ourselves from sinning, but i feel like i shoudl be able to... where do the thoughts in my mind come from? if they arent me who or what are they... they are so horrible, i hate htem, i cannot accept they are me... i just hope that i am free from them in Heaven, adn cannot wait to be free from sin and with my love, my complement, my soulmate, forever worshiping God and doing his will just as Adam and Eve were adn did (or atleast up until sinning of course..) luckily we know that we dont have to worry about sinning there, we will have the power to never sin, and also will never be tempted, adn will be forever in their presence, with them in the glorious city with all our friends and family, that will be so wonderful, i cannot wait, i want so much to go now and to be with my family and my lover forever worhsping God, i wish i could go now, but as much as i want that, i do so much wish to serve God and do whatever he wants me to do... im just not sure yet how exactly to figure that out...

a cup, or a Holy Grail?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:55 pm
by Zoe
First of all, INdiana Jones is Hollywood. The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. So the representation of the holy grail, as presented by Hollywood, is NOT accurate. It is to be entertaining, not factual.

The bible never refers to the cup which Jesus drank from during the last supper with his disciples as the holy grail. Because at that time, it was simply a cup to drink from, like any other cup. WHy is the cup even considered holy? Because Jesus, who was holy, drank from it. Everything GOd created was to be holy, and perfect, becase He is. yet obviously that is not the case, but it is still the expectation by GOd. "Be holy because I am holy" He said. Because of free will, and sin, the earth and everything in it (including us) are under a curse.

We try to "deify" things all the time, the cup Jesus drank from is now "the Holy Grail", the burial clothes he wore are now "the shroud of Turin", we fail to see that there is no intrinsic holiness. They are holy, or considerd holy, mainly because we know Jesus was. Yet, apart from Christ, are they nothing more than just some burial clothes and a cup? Their identification with Christ is the difference. So it is with us. Apart from Him, we are nothing. But with Him, and as believers in His Name and His sacrificial atonement for those who believe, we are forgiven, covered in the Blood, and are able to enter into the "holiness of holies" as Hebrews described it. All because of Christ, not us.

So the question you should be asking is not "what about the holy grail" but "what about Holy God?" Because He is the one it is all about.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:01 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
First of all, INdiana Jones is Hollywood. The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. So the representation of the holy grail, as presented by Hollywood, is NOT accurate. It is to be entertaining, not factual.
I think he was joking and informing us of his lack of knowledge on the subject, not saying he actually believed all that is said in the movie.