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Any evidence of homosexuality in today's primitive tribes?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:52 pm
by Phoenix
I've always wonder this. Is there any evidence of homosexuality in present day primitive tribes? For instance the aboriginals of Australia, or tribes in South America, and Africa?

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:51 am
by Kurieuo
I spoke with leaders of an Aboriginal community in Cairns when working on a government project for them, and I remember him mentioning there was no homosexual activity before white men came. I remember it because there was a person with me who was quite influenced by modernity and liberalism who believed they were just in denial and it would have likely just been hidden, and a small discussion followed.

I'm inclined to believe the Aboriginal leaders. And I think Aboriginal rites which helped to affirm all males as men was very conducive to heterosexual relationships. I also think that the environmental factors that lead many towards homosexuality likely did not exist. So I see no reason not to believe the leaders.
