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A Life Of Hope, Miracles, and Visions

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:05 pm
by Believer
Hello fellow brothers and sisters. I wanted to start a new thread about hope, miracles, and visions. If you have a personal testimony about something that can't be explained by any form or kind of science please share it here. I will start a list of a few that I have experienced:

1.) God audibly talking to me in my dreams and also fully awake.

2.) God convicted me of my sins hardcore last March 2004 and converted me into a Christian. He literally told me to stop sinning and live by his will.

3.) I was watching The Passion of the Christ and during the crucxifiction scene, a thought went through my head saying "Brian, see what I have done for you?". I was fully awake with a CLEAR OPEN mind.

Now you can share yours, my first 3 above are just shortened versions of longer stories.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:31 pm
by Dan
One that stands out in my mind right now is a dream where I was trying to fly. I couldn't, until I walked up to the great King that everyone in my dream was telling me about (I have vivid dreams like this rarely, this is like the 4th).

It was God and he granted me the ability to fly.

That definetely is symbolic of something 8)

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:33 pm
by Battlehelmet
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him. My Savior and my God.

Re: A Life Of Hope, Miracles, and Visions

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 3:37 pm
by Battlehelmet
HelpMeGod wrote:Hello fellow brothers and sisters. I wanted to start a new thread about hope, miracles, and visions. If you have a personal testimony about something that can't be explained by any form or kind of science please share it here. I will start a list of a few that I have experienced:
One instance I experienced was an overwhelming sense of Spirit and "being wrapped up" in it through prayer and meditation. In the sunlight, It taught me that me and the world with the Spirit searches all things, yea even the deep things of God.