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No Secular Evidence For The Existence Of Jesus Christ?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:50 pm
by Believer
Hello, I was watching a Larry King Live special today, Thursday, April 14, 2005, and the topic was "What happens after we die". There was Larry King and a panel of 6 experts. One of those "experts" was Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists and all the rest were 1 Catholic, 1 Christian, 2 Jews, and a Muslim. Now I want to point out that all the religious people of the panel were great in their debates about what happens after we die, we go to heaven, but Ellen Johnson said there is "absolutely no secular evidence for the existence for Jesus Christ" she also said some things like; "we come into this Earth as an animal and live out life accordingly and when we die, that's it", "Jesus Christ was just as much recognized by the mythological Mirtha who shared the same traits as Jesus Christ, also sharing other attributes like the Greek mythological Gods", "we cannot know death, we know life, but we cannot know death, therefore life after death is not real", "If it can't be proven scientifically or otherwise, God doesn't exist", and so on. Can someone please share their opinion about Ellen Johnson? When Larry King asked the panel if their parents were religious, all of them said yes except for Ellen Johnson. You might also want to check out the American Atheists website and refute their claims on here. Thank You, it will bring a peace of mind to me.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:55 pm
by Mastermind
Anybody who claims Jesus didn't exist is a complete and utter idiot, no questions asked. Here are some links for you to read though. Just take my advice from now on: If an atheist claims something about religion, he is a liar until proven otherwise. It will save you a lot of stress.

The fact remains that the atheist has to provide us with a reason for the apostles to make up a man instead of just using a real one(assuming they made up the whole thing, of course). There is also the fact that nobody ever claimed Jesus did not exist until the 1800s. If he didn't exist, I guarantee to you that the Pharisees and people Nero would have used it against Christianity.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:02 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I actually gave him that tektonics link first (beat ya). :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:42 am
by Phoenix
I saw this the other night too. I was shocked that an atheist would use that arguement.