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where did the demons go?
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:04 am
by The edge
Mt 8: 30 -32
What happen to the demons after the legions possess the pigs & the pigs committed suicide?
A recent encounter that I've heard was that one worker went hysterical for a while, before "it" left her & another went hysterical. Altogether, about 4 workers spread across the facotry floor was "possess" in quick succession. A witch-doctor was called & the place cleansed. However, it was rumoured that the incident had occur earlier in a neighbouring factory.
So my thots is that, after the demon was "caste out", would it continue it's mischief on someone else.
This lead me to the passage above. Did the legion perished with the pigs...which is unlikely since they are spiritual being & would not be judged till the last day.
Were they then bound?
Must demon possess a body to exist? If not, why did they ask Christ for permission to get into the swine?
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:35 am
by Poetic_Soul
That's a good question. I believe that demons, like angels, have specific jobs. A demon is to influence and deter us against the will of GOD. To possess someone is like an ultimate goal. Those that are in cults and witchcraft have an extemely and dangerously chance to become possessed. The bible mentions that once a person is free from demon possession; the demons wander in search for another person. If it can't find another person it may return to the original person it left bringing along friends (legends). That's if the person goes back into the ways he/she first got possesssed.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:14 am
by Anonymous
That's a great question.
I read this
Denzel Washington starred in a movie "Fallen" in 1998.
A brutal serial killer is captured and prosecuted, the fullest extents of the law I might add.
Anyway the spirit ( or demon ) somehow exits the killers body before excution to that of the guard whom as touched on the hand, thus begins a string a strange murders that have the ear marks of the same serial killer that was exacuted.
Point is, fictional as the movie was, Denzel designed a plan to kill the last one possessed knowing he would then be possessed and led himself and the last host completely in the middle of nowhere "miles" from civilization to kill and then kill himself thus giving the "spirit" nothing to host and then subsequently dieing itself.
Interesting question - I emailed this guy to see what his thoughts are.
btw, when denzel washington and John Goodman were both dead at the end, no one (save the movie audience) saw that there was a cat located at the remote cabin.....
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:27 am
by Anonymous
After driving down the steep cliff and committing suicide, where to the demons go?
The Bible doesn't say but logic would say they just went out into the world seeking others to harass and possess. We see many places where Jesus and the disciples cast out demons, basically setting them free. The Bible also clearly shows that the demons were always afraid that Jesus was going to send them into the Abyss--they knew that was their destination:
"And they [the demons] begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss." [Luke 8:31]
so I believer they tried to deceive Jesus by getting Him to send them into the pigs, knowing full well that they were going to kill the pigs and be released to roam the earth. However, Jesus' plan was to demonstrate His power over the demons to the people gathered around. By sending them into the pigs and then the pigs doing something very "unpig like" (jumping off cliffs) would give clear evidence that the demons did in fact follow the command of Jesus.
Hope this helps...
A Servant of Christ,
Tony Capoccia
This was his response. Simple enough but not conclusive as the bible really gives not a solid answer.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:23 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Maybe that event was to show how mad demons could drive you...but they definately didn't die, as has been said.
The abyss is hell correct?
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:05 pm
by Anonymous
The part about seeking to harass and possess others .. hmmm.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:27 pm
by The edge
Thks Poetic & Michael for ur effort.
Read a few commentaries. All did not say where the demons went. I think the answer you've sound logical.
Here's what I piece up
1) When Jesus caste out the demons, there's 2 destinations they can go
a) to the abyss...which is being locked up or the eternal fire (not too sure which). However, this is unlikely cos God had allowed them to roam the earth doing their mischief till the last days.
b) to freely roam the earth waiting to possess another (with permission).
So I guess, the incident,
1) serve the visual purpose of demons actually leaving the person who was possess
2) demonstrate the destructive power of demons (even to the pigs)
3) demonstrate that God have charge even over the animals...i.e. no harm (or possession) can come to them unless God permits....God takes care of the birds.
4) demonstrate that whatever demons does, it requires the permission of God...even just to roam freely & later to possess someone else. This incident just happen to be a "real time" demo of demon asking permission.
Oh BTW...I saw the ending portion of the Denzel show too....I think in HBO when I was in Phillipines or Bangkok. Managed to piece up what the story all about. Denzel shows happen to be on my "safe" list of movies to watch....Usually not too much violence or blasphame.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:41 pm
by The edge
That's a great question.
I read this
Oh tks for this great link....biblebb.
Have been chasing the archive version of John McArthur daily (Mon-Fri) radio broadcast just recently in Really felt very bless by his teachings (tho I do not claim to agree with everything)
Now with this "goldmine", I'm just momentarily breathless. This is truly a great resource for my ministry!!
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:41 pm
by Prodigal Son
do you think people get possessed regularly? is it a routine occurence? can people be possessed unbeknownst to them and others? is it always a dramatic event like in exorcist or those tv specials where people are writhing and going nuts?
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:32 am
by Poetic_Soul
Prodigal;...I believe that when you dabble into the cult/occult, you're dealing and shaking hands with the devil. Something like playing with fire and eventually getting burned. Demon possession doesn't have to be the exact same as in the exocist movie. It could be an attachment of depression, suicidal and loneliness. Running from your calling or God himself can separate you from your fulfillment in life. Without peace, you're oppressed. Being oppressed holds you down to the weight of bondage. A dominoe affect that can lead into possession.
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 7:40 am
by Felgar
Poetic_Soul wrote:Prodigal;...I believe that when you dabble into the cult/occult, you're dealing and shaking hands with the devil. Something like playing with fire and eventually getting burned.
I totally agree.
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:57 am
by The edge
Poetic_Soul wrote: Running from your calling or God himself can separate you from your fulfillment in life. Without peace, you're oppressed. Being oppressed holds you down to the weight of bondage. A dominoe affect that can lead into possession.
Just want to clarify:
Do u include in the above statement, Christian running away from Jonah? Cos I thot Christian can never be possess. Oppress yes, but not possess.
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:19 am
by Poetic_Soul
No, I'm not refering to christians running from God. Christians that do run from God and their calling; run away from their blessings.
I do believe that people can be possessed by loneliness and depression which can lead to suicide.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:28 pm
by Anonymous
I once saw a list of "symptons" of possession. However I cant recall if it was in or out of scripture. Interesting enought was the list. I wont pretend to recall the 10 symptoms but will look and show if I can find.
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:06 pm
by Anonymous
Poetic_Soul wrote:Prodigal;...I believe that when you dabble into the cult/occult, you're dealing and shaking hands with the devil. Something like playing with fire and eventually getting burned. Demon possession doesn't have to be the exact same as in the exocist movie. It could be an attachment of depression, suicidal and loneliness. Running from your calling or God himself can separate you from your fulfillment in life. Without peace, you're oppressed. Being oppressed holds you down to the weight of bondage. A dominoe affect that can lead into possession.
Nicely put Soul.
(Rom 8:9-11; 1Cor 3:16; 6:19)
(Luke 4:33-35; 8:27-33; Matt 17:14-18)
(1Peter 5:8-9; James 4:7)
Does explain the difference between christians being possessed and resisting the possession of Satan.