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Im am so confused!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:25 pm
by Anonymous
Ok. So im 14 years old. Today i start wondering and after a while my head began to hurn. I needed an answer and desided to seach the internet. This site was the first to come up.

My question::: (by the way, i do belive in God)

Point 1::::Ok, so if we think of God, he created the earth, universe, people, animals, etc.

Point 2::::Now, thinking of science (the big bang) earth started with dust and clouds, and you know the rest. It all happend naturaly. (to tell you the truth, at the time i think this story makes more sence)

But i do belive in both. Its just that together it does not make any sense at all. It just doesent fit. Now i know that this site is for answers about God and not anatomy, but keep in mind, their is evidence for both.

So, questions:

1.) With point 1, in the begining, right after God created light, how did the earth look, i know it was blank, but what, was it like a sheet of paper?

2.) Some people say that to us the life of a fly (the one that lives one day) is very short, but to the fly, its enough time to spend their whole life. So some people say that (since their are many suns and many more earths) that some people live even more longer then us. And when little kids carry insects in baskets, thats what somebody could be doing with us? Is that a posibility?

3.) Now the basic question (my reason for comming here): How do god and science fit together?

Thanks, please explain the parts that are hard to understand.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:31 pm
by Kurieuo
Many Christians react to the "Big Bang," not realising it is powerful evidence for a Creator. There is an article I think would be relevant for you to read which can be found at ... epwolf.php.


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:44 pm
by Anonymous
thanks for that link. so did i understand it right. the big bang theary mainly show that all that was happening was controled by God?

Thanks again for the great reasorse. are their answer to the other two questions in my original post?


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:52 pm
by voicingmaster
1.According to the Bible, in the beginning there was no land masses. So, I guess it was just looked like a big ball of water.

2.You mean aliens and UFOS and stuff? I guess.

3.This entire site is for that. Explore the main site a bit, and you'll find most of your answers.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 3:54 am
by Kurieuo
The "Big Bang" essentially means that the universe is expanding. If you retrace it backwards it appears that everything (i.e., space, time, matter and energy) came into being at single point about 13.7 billion years ago. Whereas many cosmologists use to believe the universe was eternal, now we have a beginning point which coincides with Genesis 1:1—"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." It is worth noting that not all religions predict a beginning point.

The question then arises if our universe had a beginning, then what caused our universe to literally "pop" into existence? It is entirely absurd to suggest that something can come from absolutely nothing. If absolutely nothing existed, then nothing would still exist today. Therefore, if our universe hasn't always existed but had a beginning some time ago, something or someone caused our universe to come into existence.

Now fine-tuning arguments are used to build a case for a personal Creator. There are many constants in the universe that provide the just right conditions for a universe such as ours, and life such as ours, to exist as it does. Some of these constants can be found at

Now how Science links with God (or Theology) is that both fields deal with truth. Both should therefore be consistent with each other for any truth claims that overlap. If the two disagree, then those who hold to the two as being consistent with each other believe something is wrong with the way we've interpreted one or both. For a compatible view of Science and particularly the Genesis creation, I'd recommend downloading and viewing the Powerpoint slideshow at ... e/Gen1.ppt (22.7MB). There are also other presentations that can be found at which might be of interest (especially "Considering the Heavens").


Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:17 pm
by Anonymous
thanks for all the great resourses

im starting to put this together now.