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Adam & Eve

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:26 am
by Anonymous
Hello to all on this site. A brief intro as this is my first post:

I am 42 years old, married with 2 kids. My wife was an atheist and has become a practising catholic in the last 8 months. This is still quite a shock for me as I have endured her ridicule and attitude for 20 years.

I, on the other hand, was a christian, but drifted away in my late teens after witnessing the world we live in. In saying that I had always held onto the morals of christianity, and the belief of "something" after death. My wife (the "ex atheist", as I call her) always paid out on me for having this belief. I'll go into my current situation with my wife later.

But for now.....The topic. Can anyone who believes in Adam & Eve tell me how they could possibly have spawned children of all races? I cannot recall in my lifetime or in any history lessons at school that two anglo parents gave birth to a negro/asian/hispanic etc offspring. How could this happen?

Re: Adam & Eve

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:35 am
by Felgar
Marcus wrote:But for now.....The topic. Can anyone who believes in Adam & Eve tell me how they could possibly have spawned children of all races? I cannot recall in my lifetime or in any history lessons at school that two anglo parents gave birth to a negro/asian/espanic etc offspring. How could this happen?
Welcome to the forum Marcus.

I'm of the opinion (and I think most would agree) that the vast array of languages and ethnicities were created at the Tower of Babel. (Also when you think about it, it's actually Noah and his family that re-started the human race) The account of Babel is found in Genesis 11.

Genesis 11:6-8
The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."
So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel —because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

Re: Adam & Eve

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:13 am
by bizzt
Marcus wrote:Hello to all on this site. A brief intro as this is my first post:

I am 42 years old, married with 2 kids. My wife was an atheist and has become a practising catholic in the last 8 months. This is still quite a shock for me as I have endured her ridicule and attitude for 20 years.

I, on the other hand, was a christian, but drifted away in my late teens after witnessing the world we live in. In saying that I had always held onto the morals of christianity, and the belief of "something" after death. My wife (the "ex atheist", as I call her) always paid out on me for having this belief. I'll go into my current situation with my wife later.

But for now.....The topic. Can anyone who believes in Adam & Eve tell me how they could possibly have spawned children of all races? I cannot recall in my lifetime or in any history lessons at school that two anglo parents gave birth to a negro/asian/espanic etc offspring. How could this happen?
Another thought is this. Who said that two Anglo Parents gave birth?? We have to remember that Adam and Eve were not necessarily White. They were probably Darker skin of an Arabic sort. Saying that over the years from Noah when people are in different climates etc their skin changes colour etc. It does not mean that Noah and his Son's Automatically Sprouted out A black, Asian, Espanic Kid automatically

Have a good one

PS Welcome to the Boards!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:48 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Yeah, along Bizzt's lines. The gene pool that Adam and Eve started out probably has dried up into smaller puddles. And, there's the fact that environment does change the way some genes are expressed. There are animals that change color due to heat (so rabbits or something will be white in the cold winter)...

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:22 pm
by Kurieuo
I believe that the origin of different racial groups remains unsolved. The Bible nor modern science appears to answer this question.

Natural selection is sometimes posited as a solution, but then from what I understand this is still problematic as it cannot work as rapidly as necessary over tens of thousands of years to offer a plausible explanation. Another explanation is that God intervened at the same time He confused the language of people, breaking them into separate groups. He could have intervened to destroy some genetic code and/or add new genetic material for racial distinctives. A third option is that natural selection may have played a role to some extent, and then when God confused the languages, He did so also with the specific purpose of selective breeding. However, I'm not sure how much racial diversity we would receive from selective breeding.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:03 pm
by Prodigal Son
black people often give birth to white children. it is more common than we realize. also, it is believed that native americans and hispanics are descended from asians. hispanics often have children of multiple "colors". it's very possible that many races came from one.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:45 pm
by Dan
Perhaps Adam & Eve carried all the relevant genes for every race, but only some of them (in the case of a mix, more than one) are expressed by a certain race of people. This could be because of environmental differences cause some genes to become more dominant than others. It doesn't really matter does it?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:10 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Dan wrote:Perhaps Adam & Eve carried all the relevant genes for every race, but only some of them (in the case of a mix, more than one) are expressed by a certain race of people. This could be because of environmental differences cause some genes to become more dominant than others. It doesn't really matter does it?
Not really.

The Recipe for a New Race

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:35 am
by kateliz
It is interesting to think about how quickly a family can have it's physical features altered! Could reproduction be the quickest form of genetic alteration within a species? It seems quite probable then that you could in a relatively short amount of time have such great physical differences between "races" (I've heard that technically there are none). All you would need is some isolation and different enviornments with different food and labor, right? Isolate families with their specific genes and breed a race into existence through initial inbreeding, and then the sharing of the similar genes as the family builds up into a race. Add in the nutritional specifics of their food and the way their particualr labors affect their bodies, and presto! A new race! Or am I wrong?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:10 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Yeah, the idea of a race is a myth.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:09 am
by Anonymous
It seems some of you are implying that evolution played a role in this. But is'nt the word evolution contradictory to the christian belief?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:18 am
by Kurieuo
Most Christians only become hesitant when macroevolution is incorporated into it. See ... .php?t=685 for more discussion on this.


Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:59 am
by Anonymous
Nope sorry I don't buy it. Too much information. Too in depth. It seems to me that most christians need a crutch. By that I mean something to lean on when they can't handle the burden of life.

As always when I ask a christian a simple question, the answer is blurred by either big uninteresting words and quotes (as in this case), or a quote from the bible. Which you can take with a grain of salt because no one can tell me who wrote the damn thing? Or how legitimate the author was.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:48 am
by Felgar
Marcus wrote:It seems some of you are implying that evolution played a role in this. But is'nt the word evolution contradictory to the christian belief?
It's not contradictory to Christian beliefs at all. God made life with the ability to adapt. Where's the contradiction?

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 8:01 am
by August
Nope sorry I don't buy it. Too much information. Too in depth.
So what do you expect, a one sentence answer that explains everything? You are not really looking for answers, are you? If you were, you would take the trouble to read and understand the answers, and not make such inane comments.
It seems to me that most christians need a crutch. By that I mean something to lean on when they can't handle the burden of life.
Want to offer some proof to back up your assertion? If Christians wanted to invent something to be a "crutch", it certainly would not have included such things as eternal damnation and Satan.
As always when I ask a christian a simple question, the answer is blurred by either big uninteresting words and quotes (as in this case), or a quote from the bible.
Please define "simple question". You asked for an explanation, which is what you got. If you really wished to understand, the words would be interesting to you, but you are here merely to try and shoot holes in Christianity.

If you don't want to hear quotes from the Bible, then don't use the Bible to try and start a fallacious argument either.
Which you can take with a grain of salt because no one can tell me who wrote the damn thing?
It is very clear who wrote the Bible, and easily found by doing about 3 minutes of research. Furthermore, those men were divinely inspired to write it.
Or how legitimate the author was.
Define "legitimate" in this context. There were many physical authors, not one. They were all inspired by God to write what is in the 66 books comprising the Bible.