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With God nothing is impossible

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:55 am
by RGeeB
There is a statement in scripture "..with God all things are possible" Mark 10:27

1) God cannot lie
2) God cannot be taught anything new
3) God cannot cease to exist
4), 5)….

Seems like there is an infinite number of things He cannot do - Everything contrary to His nature. Possibly everything defined as evil is a subset of impossibilities associated with God.

Its seems that there is a flaw in my approach. Would someone point it out?

Also, is there logically a finite universal list of things God is turly incapable of doing? Is it the same as things He is capable of, but will not do?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:49 am
by Kurieuo
CS Lewis wrote in his The Problem of Pain:
<blockquote>"It remains true that all things are possible with God: the intrinsic impossibilities are not things but nonentities. It is no more possible for God than for the weakest of His creatures to carry out both of two mutually exclusive alternatives; not because His power meets an obstacle, but because nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk it about God."</blockquote>I'd say the feats on your list above, although they may upon first glance seem valid, are really of the category of things Lewis describes. For each one is asking God to do something against His nature, asking God to defeat God, and that is nonsensical.


Kurieuo: Off-topic posts on God and Omniscience have been split into a new thread— ... .php?t=123

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:37 pm
by Anonymous
Possibility and Impossibility are two natures which are refined by universal laws. God, being the creator of universal law, does not comply with these.

"each one is asking God to do something against His nature"
This is a good summary - since that which is impossible, cannot equate with God, since the purpose of impossibilities is only to be refined in the mortal sense of the word.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:24 pm
by Mastermind
"Possibility and Impossibility are two natures which are refined by universal laws."

Are you sure? ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:46 am
by Anonymous
Yes for sure. For one, we have probability in maths - but that's not what I'm getting at. I'm getting at the fact that the church - well my church - insists that everything is governed by laws, save God. And God is an upholder of laws, but in ways God functions in laws. Laws are applicable to God - there should be no reason why God can't function under laws in a universe He has created. So yes, in a way, God is governed by laws. Even Jesus Christ Himself, when He was being baptised; even though John the Baptist KNEW that Jesus should instead baptise Him, Jesus wanted to do all things that are neccessary to the law - and what is right.
"Mat 3:14 But John forbade him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?"
Mat 3:15 But answering, Jesus said to him, "Permit [it] now, for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Then he permits Him.

Re: With God nothing is impossible

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:43 am
by Anonymous
RGeeB wrote:Possibly everything defined as evil is a subset of impossibilities associated with God.
This is explained by the theory that evil is the absence of good rather than a created entity in its own right. To quote ... tml:[quote] "Evil" is a word that we use to describe certain things that happen to us (most of which are caused by other people). In reality, it is not a physically created thing at all and, therefore, does not fall within the realm of something created by God. Evil is allowed by God so that free will beings can choose or reject God. Without free will (and evil as a consequence), love is not possible, and God would be unable to express one of His key attributes.[/quote]