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The Catholic church is made out of secret lizard people!!

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:35 pm
by Mastermind
I wish this site was a joke...

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 11:00 pm
by jakelo
LOL Thanks for posting that website mastermind. I was having a bad day 'till I saw it!! :lol:

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 4:52 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Mastermind, the keeper of the weird...because nobody else wants to. Good job, crazy as can be.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:18 pm
by lesterm
Funny. I just did a web search for "lizard people" and this thread was at the top of the list. Great link, thanks!

The other hilarious site that came up was:

roots of catholiscism

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:12 pm
by Dennis
An internet tital:

Diet and sexual dimorphism in the very catholic lizard genus Leiocephalus of the Bahamas.
leio is latin for smooth, cephas is aramaic for rock, (Peter, the foundation of the church), phallus is greek origin into latin.

the rock of cybele was moved from phrygia to rome, and is known in the church as cephas, it is a natural radio crystal that allows for the amplification of telepathic communication, which is the foundation of the catholic church, even though they are all trained to lie about it. if you know what you are doing you can listen in and monitor whatever you want.

the test of occult practice is whether you can fool the people so completely they can't see the truth even when you give it to them. i'm sure that in the medical and scientific latin vocabulary there is more stories right out in the open.

i have been watching the catholic priesthood for several years now and know that they sacrifice children on saturday night, and practice "black tantric left hand techniques, for the purpose of raising kundalini", which is sex based black magic based in the belief of capturing the immortal soul of your torture victim. it is the technique of creating a sex addicted sociopath within the structure of a peer group.

i have uncovered allegorical passages in the new testament that refer to tantric technique, and emasculation of Jesus.

the catholic church hierarchy began as the priesthood of the mystery cults of rome. the cult of cybele and the rites of bacchanalia give the most obvious connection to the current indoctrination of the priesthood. they rose up and joined numbers at a time when the jewish nation was weak after losing a revolt and the roman economy was on the rocks, partly because of internal destabilizing by the catholics.

this is an article of a current trial of a priest that sacrificed a nun on holy saturday: ... 7858255385

in the new testament it says that the eyes are the windows to a mans soul. if you look into the eyes of a person who is conscious (enlightened) the eyes are light or have a glow.
a priests eyes are black reflecting the evil sex based gluttony of being conscious in the lower earth based chakras.

these idiots are subhuman, exhibit blunted emotions, no problem solving skills and display the morals of a sex addicted sociopath. all the illuminati and all the other outerspace lizard crap is a way for them to make you think that this super race is out there, there is nothing you can do about it because the conspiracy is underway, when in reality, it's just disinformation posted on the net by a [homosexual] priest down the street, and it's pretty easy to do something about it because these retarded morons are scared to death of normal human beings, and when exposed, explode into a cloud of fear. 911 is tracable to the vatican as is aids. if you back them into a corner they start admitting crimes in order to float there self esteem as their delusional self image starts to fade away. the cult indoctrination is so demanding that they must be stripped of any identity to get in, they then harvest self esteem by exploiting the normal people around them.

a catholic lay person is the first level of indoctrination, as they believe that the priest is a viable authority figure commensurate to God, next thing you know, God starts handing out self esteem. each lay person is held in control by blackmail. a priest watches his flock until a person is caught doing something they would'nt dare want the community to know, more often then not, a sin is suggested to them by the very person that records the activity for future discipline. kinda like the structure of the cia.

always IMHO Dennis

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:14 am
by Forge
What the frigging hell was that...


Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:01 pm
by Dennis
the catholic church consists of etheric structures, (thought forms) constructed between individual's chakras so one person can moniter and influence another, actually whole congregations. what the church does is open one for audible comunication, keep the others closed for subliminal suggestion (subconscious, the angel and devil on your shoulder, is actually your priest.) if you are learned, all chakras are open so you can't be inadvertantly influenced. the following is the first paragraph from a vatican disinformation page the vatican posted 1 day after i posted my above 1st post. it is an attempt to provide for an explanation beyond the fact that it just the catholic church involved in this behaviour.

reference: the Etheric Double and the Astral Body by Aurthur Powel, these books will outline the knowledge needed. all the church does is use routine knowledge of physics against people who are ignorant because their chakras are closed.

Almost everyone on this planet has at least 5 implants,( they are installing approximately 10 in everyone as i write this) especially in America..... the Dracs and their other lizard helpers the Greys, have developed a new method of shooting darts in 4-D at us... and therefore implanting people rapidly.. this is my story which relates to others who have been taken over by the lizards....fortunately i have about 3 major helpers who continually help me take out implants or neutralize them.... from the beginning of my life i knew i would be implanted... when i was a little girl my mother would put curls into my hair and she always ran across the implant on my right ear. That has remained to this day.......i have tried to remove it without success,as the implant moves....
Recently because i have been such a threat to them of exposure, they have tried to take me over completely like they have done to many of our leaders...( Senators, Congressmen, Military, Business -Corporate heads, etc.... and especially MEDIA controllers... although some of them are shapeshifter Rupert "Wotz his MUR-Dak name?" ) What i'm going to do is describe what i believe to be the major process to INSTALL A LIZARD INSIDE A PERSON TO HAVE TOTAL CONTROL....MY HOPE IS THAT WHEN THIS IS EXPOSED

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:40 pm
by Dennis
a little more, when christ, in the new testament speaks of driving the demons from a person, he is speaking of freeing the chakras (opening them). mary magdelene is said to have been freed from 7, the traditional number in the hindu belief system.

below is the URL where the sample paragraph came from, look at the text that shows up on the google search response page, the idiot that posted it forgot to edit out references to the catholic church, notice in the article there are NONE.

All posts IMHO Dennis

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:20 am
by lesterm
Dennis wrote:a little more, when christ, in the new testament speaks of driving the demons from a person, he is speaking of freeing the chakras ...etc...etc....etc
Ummmmmmm... is it just me, or.....?????

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:15 am
by Mastermind
Forget about the site in the OP, just read Dennis's posts. They're just as nutty. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:31 pm
by bizzt
Mastermind wrote:Forget about the site in the OP, just read Dennis's posts. They're just as nutty. :lol:
ARE my Eyes Deceiving me... HEY there MM long time!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:51 pm
by Mastermind
bizzt wrote:
Mastermind wrote:Forget about the site in the OP, just read Dennis's posts. They're just as nutty. :lol:
ARE my Eyes Deceiving me... HEY there MM long time!!!
Well, yeah, it is me, but that doesn't mean you don't have eyesight problems. :wink: