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Mormons least hypocritical?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:54 am
by ochotseat
Before I knew much about Mormonism, Mormons seemed like the least hypocritical and most dedicated Christians ever!

However, after looking at some sites:( ... naries.php)
( ... Q_cult.asp)
and reading the posts here, it appears that they aren't really Christians. How disappointing! Does anyone know any nice conservative denominations?
Also, I'm not sure if anyone's answered this, but do you think Mormons go to heaven or hell after death? Since they accept Christ as their personal savior, aren't they saved?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:08 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I don't think they accept Christ as their savior. They view Christ, I think, as just A god. A man who became god. Who probably now rules his own planet. But don't worry, they think Christians will go to heaven, just a lower level I believe. :wink: They don't, though, and there's another post on this, it's 10 pages I have fun.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 10:38 pm
by Tanyan
See: Do Mormons go to Heaven ? Thread.

Do Mormons go to Heaven To ?.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 10:45 pm
by Tanyan
They do accept Jesus Christ as there only Savior, Full Diety, GOD not a "god" or a man who became god. Grace/Peace.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:59 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I'm not making up what I said, I got it from a friend who had a conversation with a Jesus considered the Son of God? I've always heard no..

Are Mormons going to Heaven To ?.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:59 pm
by Tanyan
Giving you the benefit of the doubt along with your friend I would say the LDS individual in question that was asked that question [Or any LDS Member for that matter] Should/Must/Absolutly/Without a Doubt in there Heart/Mind say YES to is Jesus Christ The Son Of God. This is Basic Fundamental LDS Doctrine/Teaching/Thought/Practice found in LDS Scripture/Books/Journals/Papers/Tracts/DVD'S/Videos/CD'S/Audio Cassettes/Articles on LDS web pages. Going to any LDS meeting at our Church on the first Sunday of the month during our Fast and Testimony meeting [Anywhere in the world] you would here adinfinentum that "JESUS IS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD". No second guesses, no pondering it over when asked, Jesus is The Christ, The Son Of The Living GOD, any LDS member who says otherwise does not know LDS Doctrine.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 5:07 pm
by Tanyan
I will be gone till 9:00 pm tonight so please no posts until I return. In His Debt/Grace, Tanyan.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 5:46 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:41 pm
by LittleShepherd
Even if they do believe that Jesus is God, and that He is <B>the</B> God that created us, that doesn't change the fact that they believe the god who created us was once like us -- just a man.

It's basic Mormon doctrine that God was once just like us, and somehow "evolved" into his current deity form. And it's also in their doctrine that one day we will also "evolve" to become deities ourselves. We'll each rule our own world, and might even create another world of humans to perpetuate the cycle.

Of course, if our god was just a man like us once, then he must have been created by another person who had previously attained this deity status. And so on, and so on. Which falls into a logic problem.

If an infinite number of events must have transpired to get to the current moment, this moment never would have occurred. So since this moment has been reached, time must have a beginning, and must have been started by something that transcends time altogether. Something that couldn't have "evolved" into its current state.

Their god is not the God of the Bible; therefore their Jesus is no the Jesus of the Bible. Placing your faith in <B>a</B> Jesus is not how you become saved. You must place your faith in <B>the</B> Jesus of the Bible.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:47 pm
by jakelo
LittleSheperd is starting to amaze me at how smart he is about these things.

I think it's safe to say that everyone agrees with me when I say that the reason people are against the mormon church the most is because of the fact that they believe they will become gods one day. It also drives me crazy of how they believe God the Father has a goddess in heaven. I even talked to my mormon ex-girlfriend/ex-friend (she didn't like the fact that I didn't want to join their religion) about this doctrine and I asked her plainly, "why doesn't the Bible give any evidence about a goddess in heaven?" She told me that its because God wanted to "preserve her honor" because we already use His name in vain and He doesn't want us to do that to His wife. Basically she said that God is lying to us to preserve someone's honor. I wouldn't want to worship a God that would lie to me, would anyone else? And I don't want any mormon readers to get mad at me, this came DIRECTLY from a devoted mormon church member who was "worthy". I also read many articles from the LDS website, my ex-girlfriend almost got me to join when we were together. Thank God He reached me before I went through with it.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:35 am
by ochotseat
Even if they do believe that Jesus is God, and that He is the God that created us, that doesn't change the fact that they believe the god who created us was once like us -- just a man.

It's basic Mormon doctrine that God was once just like us, and somehow "evolved" into his current deity form. And it's also in their doctrine that one day we will also "evolve" to become deities ourselves. We'll each rule our own world, and might even create another world of humans to perpetuate the cycle.

Of course, if our god was just a man like us once, then he must have been created by another person who had previously attained this deity status. And so on, and so on. Which falls into a logic problem.

If an infinite number of events must have transpired to get to the current moment, this moment never would have occurred. So since this moment has been reached, time must have a beginning, and must have been started by something that transcends time altogether. Something that couldn't have "evolved" into its current state.

Their god is not the God of the Bible; therefore their Jesus is no the Jesus of the Bible. Placing your faith in a Jesus is not how you become saved. You must place your faith in the Jesus of the Bible.
You should read up on my information regarding the LDS church.

LittleSheperd is starting to amaze me at how smart he is about these things.

I think it's safe to say that everyone agrees with me when I say that the reason people are against the mormon church the most is because of the fact that they believe they will become gods one day. It also drives me crazy of how they believe God the Father has a goddess in heaven. I even talked to my mormon ex-girlfriend/ex-friend (she didn't like the fact that I didn't want to join their religion) about this doctrine and I asked her plainly, "why doesn't the Bible give any evidence about a goddess in heaven?" She told me that its because God wanted to "preserve her honor" because we already use His name in vain and He doesn't want us to do that to His wife. Basically she said that God is lying to us to preserve someone's honor. I wouldn't want to worship a God that would lie to me, would anyone else? And I don't want any mormon readers to get mad at me, this came DIRECTLY from a devoted mormon church member who was "worthy". I also read many articles from the LDS website, my ex-girlfriend almost got me to join when we were together. Thank God He reached me before I went through with it.
Are you sure it wasn't because she wouldn't put out? :oops:

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:06 am
by jakelo
Are you sure it wasn't because she wouldn't put out?
She broke up with me because I wouldn't join. She completely stopped talking to me because I wouldn't join. I told her I wasn't going to pursue joining her religion anymore, and a week later, it was all over. So no, SHE is not the reason why I didn't join.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:19 am
by jakelo

She had me almost joining her church before because she always painted this beautiful picture about it. I was only going to join because I thought it was Christian and at the time I didn't know ANYTHING about that religion. But when I was getting deeper into mormon doctrines, I began reading about becoming gods, god was once a man, joseph smiths vision, the false prophecies (thanks to, and I also saw the many contradictions in their religion. And I also felt nothing but dred and anxiety when I was reading their book of mormon. Though some of it seemed like it was in harmony with the Bible, the rest of it literally scared me of how wrong it was. I didn't want to have anything to do with a religion that made me feel that way and I didn't want anything to do with a religion that had that many obvious problems. Like I said before, we were still together but I told her I wasn't going to join and within a week she completely isolated herself from me. Even after we were completely finished, I started reading more about their religion, I guess because I thought I would understand it more and possibly find some truth. But I went through the same horrible feelings. Everytime I picked up that book of mormon, I felt like I was doing something completely wrong and I was scared. Scared for my salvation.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:06 pm
by ochotseat
jakelo wrote: She broke up with me because I wouldn't join. She completely stopped talking to me because I wouldn't join. I told her I wasn't going to pursue joining her religion anymore, and a week later, it was all over. So no, SHE is not the reason why I didn't join.
I was kidding about the earlier comment. :lol: Anyway, the LDS Church is very subtle when it comes to disclosing their true theology. Their young missionaries tend to be ignorant of their own faith, and the Church is confused about their own dogmas.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:15 pm
by jakelo
I was kidding about the earlier comment. Anyway, the LDS Church is very subtle when it comes to disclosing their true theology. Their young missionaries tend to be ignorant of their own faith, and the Church is confused about their own dogmas.
Oh..well :oops: :oops:

Atleast everyone knows my position with the mormon church now :P