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Animals Going To Heaven & Hell

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 7:25 pm
by Anonymous
hey since animals don't follow any religion at all. what happens to them when they die? This isn't something to bag out your religion i really really want to know your opinions.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:05 pm
by Kurieuo
Well I'd question that it is really "religion" that saves someone. ;) but I'm sure you'll get a diverse range of opinions on animals, whether they have souls, and so forth.


Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:40 pm
by Anonymous
Animals are part of the natural creation. They were provided by God to help us (Humans) survive. We are supposed to be good stewards with what God has provided us with and so we are not to abuse any creature great or small.

Animals do not sin against God. We do. Animals do not need to be justified before God we do. The Levitical Law required the shedding of an animal's blood to atone for the sins of the Jewish people (in old testament times) precisely because it was a symbol of the sinless atoning for the sinful.

That said, I do not believe animals go to the place Jesus has prepared for those who love him, i.e. Heaven. I believe scripture is silent on the eternal fate of animal's souls, but God is good and I suspect He has a special place for them too.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:49 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Animals don't have anything of God. They don't have morals, they don't have love, they don't have real personality, and no eternal life. They are, like everything else on the earth, for our use.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 3:48 pm
by Prodigal Son

animals are a supreme mirror and expression of God's love and goodness and awesomeness. they have true personalities and feelings and love. they are God's gifts to us but God has never condoned our misuse/abuse/neglect of them. and, finally, you have no idea if they go to heaven or not. everything you just said is a load of ignorance/nonsense.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 4:15 pm
by Anonymous
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Animals don't have anything of God. They don't have morals, they don't have love, they don't have real personality, and no eternal life. They are, like everything else on the earth, for our use.
That doesn't sound very christian.
For our own use ay? Do you beat animals? it sounds like you do. Then you try to hide behind your religion, so you can go to sleep at night and think "ive done nothing wrong. im still a good christian"
such self rightness.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:02 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
My goodness you're twisting words that never existed and putting them in my mouth. Animals are for our use. God made everything for man. But there's another part. You take care of what you are a steward of. Your parents give you their car, you make sure nothing bad happens with it. You don't put a brick on the accelerator, stick yourself out the window, and go, "WEEE!" down the highway.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:11 pm
by August
That doesn't sound very christian.
How do you know what Christianity is or isn't?
or our own use ay? Do you beat animals? it sounds like you do.
This is an uneccessary comment. You don't anything about this guy, so stop your insults.

Do you eat meat? Do you wear leather shoes or a leather belt?
Then you try to hide behind your religion, so you can go to sleep at night and think "ive done nothing wrong. im still a good christian"
such self rightness.
Why don't you enlighten us with your superior beliefs, oh great one? We're waiting for your infinite wisdom. Since you obviously know all there is to know about Christians and Christianity, tell us more about the "self-rightness". What does that mean, by the way? Is there even such a term?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 9:19 pm
by Darwin_Rocks
Thats funny I thought the ten commandments were 'Though shall not kill.' does that not extend to animals?

Pretty ambiguous for commandments we are supposed to live our lives by.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 9:27 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
The commandment says don't murder, and murder is an act that one man performs on don't murder animals.... :wink:

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 9:55 pm
by Kurieuo
DR wrote:Thats funny I thought the ten commandments were 'Though shall not kill.' does that not extend to animals?
Isn't that one commandment? ;)

Also I'm sure you are already aware of what AKMS has said. I really don't understand why Atheists & co. continue recycling the same arguments and statements over and over. I don't know how many times I've seen the "thou shalt not kill" be clarified by Christians, and I'm sure you're aware to the response.


Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:11 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I don't see how an atheist can be a deep thinker...if he were, he'd probably kill himself. Or become a theist.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:02 pm
by Anonymous
you know why i don't kill people, or animals for that matter, not because some book told me it was wrong, because i know it is wrong. I don't want to see any being in any kind of harm, i don't need a god to tell me this.

I have no desire for destruction, i have desire for peace and co-existence with all life, it's the chrisitan who are the most nihilistic.

And if you can't stand trolls, lurkers, flamers whatever cute name you have for folks like me, coming in and challenging your beliefs, then by all means continue patting each other on the back in your little bubble, but guess what, this is what you get with message boards and forums, people who disagree with you.

If i am the stweard of my children, i wouldn't want to give them a car a put a brick on the accelerator, but i may just decide to raise my child in a cage as big as they are and feast on their lifeless muscles, being that i am their steward, i can decide whether or not it's okay for me to eat them for my success and my survival. Because i am their steward, and thus their better, so the success and survival of my life is far more important than their own. EGO EGO EGO EGO

and no i have not been reading any marxist literature, but you being a religious person, one who is easily controlled, would obviously associate the word "commie" with negative connotations being that you have also accepted the control system of capitalism, which has brainwashed you into thinking that a society based off of "capital" is far superior to one based of of "community". you'd think religious folks would have a problem with a society which promotes stepping on the back of others to benefit the success of the individual. But then again, you are easily brainwashed into the ideals that keep you a subservient drone, and most likely agree with that other pill you have been force fed, that a society in which the benefit of individual materialistic gain are far more important then a society which values the community over the individual.

please, as if though be accepting pointlessness, you instantly have to accept nihilist destruction. The animals understand their pointlessness and they aren't out there killing for the sake of killing. What are they doing...they are merely existing. Living their life out, due to the fact that they happen to exist here.

The problem with man, is this idea that we are better then everything else, and therefore we must have a purpose. This idea that because we can question our existence and our purpose, must thus mean we have a better purpose then every other being.

We are no different then any other living being. Accept in our pompous self righteous pride in our selves

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:07 pm
by Felgar
TruthBeTold wrote:And if you can't stand trolls, lurkers, flamers whatever cute name you have for folks like me, coming in and challenging your beliefs, then by all means continue patting each other on the back in your little bubble,
Thank you, we will.
TruthBeTold wrote: but guess what, this is what you get with message boards and forums, people who disagree with you.
Sadly, you're right there.

Please check your PM.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:17 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Truthbetold, I have no problem with the fact you disagree with me. The problem is you're being a jerk.
I have no desire for destruction, i have desire for peace and co-existence with all life, it's the chrisitan who are the most nihilistic.
Nihilism says that there is no meaning and purpose to life....the antithesis of Christianity.
because i know it is wrong
So you do belief there is meaning in life? More contradictions.
And if you can't stand trolls, lurkers, flamers whatever cute name you have for folks like me, coming in and challenging your beliefs, then by all means continue patting each other on the back in your little bubble, but guess what, this is what you get with message boards and forums, people who disagree with you.
The problem is your attitude and the way you go around.
and no i have not been reading any marxist literature, but you being a religious person, one who is easily controlled, would obviously associate the word "commie" with negative connotations being that you have also accepted the control system of capitalism, which has brainwashed you into thinking that a society based off of "capital" is far superior to one based of of "community". you'd think religious folks would have a problem with a society which promotes stepping on the back of others to benefit the success of the individual. But then again, you are easily brainwashed into the ideals that keep you a subservient drone, and most likely agree with that other pill you have been force fed, that a society in which the benefit of individual materialistic gain are far more important then a society which values the community over the individual.
Easily controlled? haha. Communism has never worked and can never work. It only ends up in equal misery and poverty. And capitalism does not work by having the rich take from the poor-the wealthy MAKE wealth and employ people with less money. The big rich bad guy makes makes opportunity and wealth. You're easily have no clue how these systems work. Valuing the community over the individual is another problem-because who makes the society? Individuals.
please, as if though be accepting pointlessness, you instantly have to accept nihilist destruction. The animals understand their pointlessness and they aren't out there killing for the sake of killing. What are they doing...they are merely existing. Living their life out, due to the fact that they happen to exist here.
Animals have not reasoned anything out.
The problem with man, is this idea that we are better then everything else, and therefore we must have a purpose. This idea that because we can question our existence and our purpose, must thus mean we have a better purpose then every other being.

We are no different then any other living being. Accept in our pompous self righteous pride in our selves
I can't type straight when you make me laugh so hard.