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Please Keep On Topic
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:43 pm
by Kurieuo
I've noticed of late the tendancy of some to begin saying anything within a topic whether a smart remark, trying to be a comedian, or in general making small comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of a thread.
It is hard to moderate the board to keep threads on-topic, so I'm posting an announcement to request that you all try to keep on topic. If you wish to post to make a smart remark or unrelated comment to a started thread, then please refrain. Many like to read threads for information, not to read two or so people having goes at each other all the time.
In addition, we will begin removing posts without notice that we deem to be too off-topic. We also request the help of posters on this—if you see any posts off-topic, please notify us so we can remove the post(s) to keep a thread on-topic.
Re: Please Keep On Topic
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:36 am
by bizzt
Kurieuo wrote:I've noticed of late the tendancy of some to begin saying anything within a topic whether a smart remark, trying to be a comedian, or in general making small comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of a thread.
It is hard to moderate the board to keep threads on-topic, so I'm posting an announcement to request that you all try to keep on topic. If you wish to post to make a smart remark or unrelated comment to a started thread, then please refrain. Many like to read threads for information, not to read two or so people having goes at each other all the time.
In addition, we will begin removing posts without notice that we deem to be too off-topic. We also request the help of posters on this—if you see any posts off-topic, please notify us so we can remove the post(s) to keep a thread on-topic.
Darn, So no more Hijacking Kmart's Threads? Will you make an Exception

Just kidding. I swear to be more diligent and to stay on topic!
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 12:13 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Yeah you Muslim extremists, you can't hijack my planes no more! Though Kurieuo will let you probably, since he joined in on the fun.
Re: Please Keep On Topic
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 8:25 pm
by Kurieuo
bizzt wrote:Darn, So no more Hijacking Kmart's Threads? Will you make an Exception

Just kidding. I swear to be more diligent and to stay on topic!
Shh... Noones meant to know I participated in such activities as well.

Actually you can be the exception to the rule

(just kidding). I do think it best that we all try to try keep on topic a lot more though. So any hijackers will be considered terrorists and dealt with before they are able to use any weapons of mass destruction on the forums.
Re: Please Keep On Topic
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:26 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Kurieuo wrote:bizzt wrote:Darn, So no more Hijacking Kmart's Threads? Will you make an Exception

Just kidding. I swear to be more diligent and to stay on topic!
Shh... Noones meant to know I participated in such activities as well.

Actually you can be the exception to the rule

(just kidding). I do think it best that we all try to try keep on topic a lot more though. So any hijackers will be considered terrorists and dealt with before they are able to use any weapons of mass destruction on the forums.
I'm strapping on a bomb...and you quoted bizzt, I didn't say that.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:55 pm
by Kurieuo
AKMS wrote:and you quoted bizzt, I didn't say that.
Don't know what you're talking about...

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:20 pm
by kateliz
Aren't we getting a little off-topic here? Aren't we making smart remarks? Aren't we seeing "two or so people having goes at eachother"? Shall I report this to Felgar, Kurieou?
Actually, I find this a hard request. I was having so much fun doing what I'm now not allowed to! Maybe I shouldn't have read this thread...
I understand, but I think I'll need help quitting. Cold turkey would be hard.
Actually, I've seen threads get way off topic since I joined, (not too long ago). Pages and pages of what should've been a new thread, and pages and pages of people going at eachother for fun. I know I haven't been on much lately, (compared,) but how is this such a worse problem now then before? I have been annoyed several times when I'd go to check out a topic and find it completely changed with no hope of redemption, and also that with pages of smart remarks, but how about a little? What's the limit? Or will each-and-every-one be pulled by a moderator?
I don't want to sound like I'm upset, but actually, I am!
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:21 pm
by Felgar
Take a deep breath Kate; it's going to be ok.
No seriously it's just an attempt to cut down on so many topics that are going off track. You said yourself how it's annoying. If the main participants just keep that in mind (and make new threads or whatever) then we'll all benefit.
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:41 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I like seafood.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 8:20 am
by kateliz
Am I allowed to respond to that?
And what about my post that went straight into the garbage? I know it was off-topic and all, but I wasn't going to take it further in that thread and only suggested that someone else might want to start a thread on it, the idea for that topic having stemmed from a post on that thread. I'd like to have been asked if I did want to make it a new thread before having it thrown into the trash! I was actually offended by that! And by the way, I wrote it before I found this thread.
Re: Please Keep On Topic
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:27 pm
by Felgar
Kurieuo wrote:It is hard to moderate the board to keep threads on-topic, so I'm posting an announcement to request that you all try to keep on topic. If you wish to post to make a smart remark or unrelated comment to a started thread, then please refrain. Many like to read threads for information, not to read two or so people having goes at each other all the time.
Further to this request, I'm sure many have noticed the recent trend towards petty squabbling that has begun to develop. I think there has been a great deal of arguing lately, and very little actual meaningful debate. So on those points where you disagree, please refrain from creating petty arguments. Rather, as Kurieuo has suggested, if you really think the point should be addressed then begin a new thread to discuss the issue in a meaningful way, and in a manner that is becoming of our shared Faith.
In the end this board is not even primarily a place to debate; it is much more for encouragement, felllowship, and sharing knowledge amongst Christians. I would ask you all to keep that in mind when determining whether to belabour a point of contention. Thanks everyone.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:14 am
by Kurieuo
The amount of discussions being taken off-topic, or degenerating into trivial exchanged (e.g., "is too!", "is not!", "did you not read what I wrote", "you did not read what I wrote!") has risen especially of late. And neither Felgar or I have the time to go through each one sifting out the chaff and/or off-topic posts from posts with content, especially considering the amount of posts per day have increased expedientially over recent weeks.
Therefore, threads taken off-topic will be removed either entirely or temporarily until we moderators have the time to sift through them in our own time. The way to avoid threads becoming removed, is to simply stop making off-topic posts and/or adding useless comments or insults. Before posting in any thread first ask yourself the question of whether your post would be better as a new topic? If so, create a new topic and link off to the new topic from the thread you would have posted within. And before anyone thinks, "hey, this sounds like a cool way to be a nuisance and/or get threads removed" from now on people who continually take posts off-topic ruining them for everyone else will end up simply being banned.
Please understand the reason for these measures is not to be nasty, but to keep this board as a great place to post with meaningful content to read over.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:28 pm
by tarreyl
please tell that to katliz who can seem to never stay on topic and has to make her own thread about being ok for being off topic. She need a little remind to stay on topic once and a while
Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:45 am
by kateliz
Oh, for pete's sake- I'm going to respond to this and get it off the Forum Index!

katliz should be able to foucs on the topic
Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 5:17 pm
by tarreyl
dear Katliz
could you please keep on topic. I know it hard but it would be apperited if you couuld it is hard to follow you the conversion when you get way off topic and I know people would agree with me. Katliz do you have ADD? I wonder?