Could black matter be the back ground of creation?

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Could black matter be the back ground of creation?

Post by Anonymous »

My understanting of intention of space and mind

Due to the (implosion)which is the intention occurring within the centre of space from every angle,From the coldness causing a vacuum to concentrate space creating black matter and due to the vacuum forces causing friction, heat energy and light within the black matter of the centre of space (black hole)
It would look like a dark cloud with energy occurring in the centre like lightning
the energy would travel outwards from the centre of this black thick cloud (black matter) as heat expands outwardly.This creates an abode around the centre of space (black hole), meaning a ring around the depth of darkness. As more masses of energy is created within the vacuum of space (black hole) the external abode becomes greater and greater in masses of heat energy ,light due to the up building of internal energy masses, to a point of external reflection back inwards towards the vacuum (black hole) creating forces of internal and external depths.
In return at different pressure points (energy level of masses) come to oxidation between nitrogen and hydrogen creating ammonia and oxygen by the changing of atom tries, meaning compounds to elements due to added energy masses (changing matter forms, evolve state of being) as travelling up the chain to the abode until solid matter becomes acids, liquids, gases, until purified liquids and pure gases, the closer to the abode the purer the form, as senses from feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting develops through changes of energy masses, causing higher spectrums and frequency in conjunction with the travelling sphere moving up the chain.As a new heaven and a new earth ,as the old heaven and earth has moved to the next stage liked rolied up scroll.
A everlasting system with no end, everlasting light and life,were we born when God founded the earth and were we born as living cells, as we are in the same manner as little (vacuums) for we have space of mind which we fill in by our own intentions of energy forms to create thoughts, thats why its so important to create pure intentions of thought as in one mind and one body of lord Jesus Christ, for it is important to me to recieve holy spirit to recieve knowledge by reasoning of God through Christ Jesus by holy spirit, in the same light ,which is the fruitage and the glory for our Father through lord Jesus Christ.
For the kingdom of God is based on real power which is by the word,Christ Jesus,the word of the intention is from the beginning, we are created not only in the same image as or heavenly father but in the same (likeness), for he is the first and the last, the alpha and the omega, life is everlasting as light ever increasing over darkness. God said to Job 38; 4 where did you happen to be when I founded the earth?
Job 38; 21 did you come to know at that time you were being born which makes you days many,
Meaning to my understanding we are as old as this earth, and were developed through different stages of senses aries due to energy mass increasing and changing the formation of matter.

This is Just a thought of intention within the space of my mind.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

English, I prefer reading stuff in English.
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Post by Felgar »

LOL, funny AKMS.


Are you confused about dark matter? This is matter in the universe that cannot be seen but we think must be there because of how galaxies and galaxy clusters behave (we see the effects of the gravitational pull of the dark matter). I'm not sure what your link from this to anything is.

Maybe start with a very simple assertion, and let's go from there. Cuz I'm lost too. :)
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Post by Frank2005 »

The cold dark matter may provide evidence for the creation of our universe by God.

There are three types of dark matter: baryonic dark matter, hot dark matter and cold dark matter. The majority is the cold dark matter which consists of invisible particles with average mass around 100-1000 times of a hydrogen atom. The true nature of the cold dark matter is unknown but its role is known to serve as the seeds for the growth of galaxies in the early universe. Since the properties of the cold dark matter are entirely different from ordinary matter, they may belong to the higher dimensional world (the kingdom of God), used to assist the formation of ordinary matter into galaxies.

Related Link:
Cold dark matter and intelligent design
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Post by Strix »


I'm new and playing catch-up, so I know this response is a little late. However, I found your link interesting and had a questions...

Since the international team of astronomers were looking for "distortions" caused by the intervening dark matter (analyzing the light from 200,000 galaxies), how would dark matter affect our spectral analysis that tells us that the universe is expanding (e.g., red shift)?

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Post by Frank2005 »

Strix wrote:how would dark matter affect our spectral analysis that tells us that the universe is expanding
Among the three types of dark matter, only baryonic dark matter may interact with light, but the great majority of dark matter is the cold dark matter which does not interact with light or other electromagnetic waves. The light will pass through them without being reflected at all.

Hope this will help. Have a nice day!
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