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How Do You Hear God?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:15 pm
by Believer
I hear it is possible to hear God, maybe audibly, maybe through the heart, or something completely different. How exactly do you hear and enable God to speak to you? Also, why do you have to silence yourself and tune all noises out to hear God? It seems more like tuning into your self-concious or sub-concious rather than hearing God, but I could be wrong. So how do you hear Him? I'm just wondering so I can know how to hear Him.

Re: How Do You Hear God?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 10:14 am
by Dan
HelpMeGod wrote:I hear it is possible to hear God, maybe audibly, maybe through the heart, or something completely different. How exactly do you hear and enable God to speak to you? Also, why do you have to silence yourself and tune all noises out to hear God? It seems more like tuning into your self-concious or sub-concious rather than hearing God, but I could be wrong. So how do you hear Him? I'm just wondering so I can know how to hear Him.
God's voice isn't a voice, it's something... well I can't explain it. It's not a feeling, it's not a command, it's sort of like a spark that wants you to do something. Like one time God told me to get out of bed because I was about to miss my ride, but it wasn't a feeling, or a thought, or a voice, it just was.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 10:17 am
by Believer
Cooljohng wrote:Who's to say that it is God people hear? and not just their sub-consious? Sounds alot like self-hypnosis crossed with mediation to me
Well, Word of Knowledge is a special form of communication between God and His people. Hearing God through Word of Knowledge is something of a gift. People who have had these, have exact outcomes as spoken from God exactly the way as it was planned. I don't believe that is possible with Earthly natural laws. For example, someone has a Word of Knowledge that they will be healed of an incurrable illness, it happens just as they heared it almost instantaneously. How is that possible with Earthly natural laws? It's not possible. There have been hundreds of thousands of cases like this and continue everyday, I don't believe this is something that exists within the bounds of ourselves, but rather a supernatural being orchastrating his followers.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:35 pm
by Felgar
After cleaning the thread I'll chime in.

I do think that some people can audibly hear God's voice, and in extreme circumstances God obviously can speak to people audibly. But beyond that, I believe nealry everyone can learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit being the still small voice inside... In the same token, people can learn to completely ignore the Holy Spirit and God's will. And in general, the closer to God we are the more clearly we'll understand God's will through the Holy Spirit.

On 100 Huntley Street (Christian TV show) there was an author of a book (a man) who wrote about this very thing: about what can be done for everyone to hear the voice of God. The basic gist was this (as I remember it):

1) In a quiet place with no interuptions, enter into prayer/praise with God.
2) As 'thoughts' begin to come into your mind, write them down. Don't think about them, just write them down.
3) Once done writing, refer back to the Bible (and possibly a Christian counsellor or friend) and research carefully to ensure that the thoughts are in accordance with God's Word.

Step 3) basically rules out any deceptions by Satan or just simply our own mind wandering.

Sorry I can't think of the book or the guy's name. I'll ask around and report back if I can find it.

Burning Bushes and Trained Ears

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:48 pm
by kateliz
Hold it here! Good start and all, but that guy's advice will most certainly have you hearing voices other than God's! Even Scripture, when filtered through presumptions, can have you conclude unscriptural truth! You have to know all of Scripture, (possess by the Holy Spirit the general truths revealed in it, and those constantly checked and confirmed by the Holy Spirit and Scripture). Please don't take that too far; I don't mean you have to read the entire Bible before you can rightly understand any of it!

God doesn't need extreme cases in order to speak audibly to His Children. I hope some of you reading this have also read my posts describing my own experiences with hearing God's voice audibly. Dan had it with his "spark" thing too. But relying on sparks, unless God trains you in that area to recognize His voice through them, can also easily lead you astray.

Generally, when someone wants attempts to hear God speaking without proper training from Him, they will strain their minds in different ways in order to do so, even if it's straining to hear His still, small voice, and God doesn't work like that. He's taught me a general principle that applies to the whole of my walk with Him: don't strain yourself. It's hard to describe this, but rely on God for your spiritual development, and then, with constant checks by the Holy Spirit, do what comes naturally.

I know some of you must be going, "HUH???" at that "do what comes naturally" comment, but... and it's hard to explain, the Holy Spirit will cause it to be natural. So in other words, don't force yourself to learn to tie your shoes, let your laces come to tie themselves under the caretaking of God! He developes spiritual things in you, mostly away from your conscience awareness of it, and when it's fully developed and ready for use it just comes naturally! And often enough you have to keep yourself from using these undeveloped things ahead of time.

God has had me doing that for quite awhile now with prayer for others, and sometimes prayer for myself. This must seem a very controversial thing to do, but God's shown me this is His chosen method, and... I've just been revealed the first-fruits! A few weeks ago I was e-mailing my friend's step-mom, and she spoke of her taking care of my friend's dad who had cancer. I told her I'd pray that God lighten the load of that dad's illness for their family, at least for a little while. After writing the e-mail I sent this petition, which I did not have to strain in the least for, (most petitions are strains for me right now,) to God and just presented my heart regarding this to Him, for Him to do with as He pleases. This came very naturally, which I consciously recognized as unusual for me.

The very next e-mail I received from the step-mom reported to me that my friend's dad had died. Now I did not have that in mind at all when I petitioned God that their load be lightened for at least a short while! But he died probably just a few days after I made that petition. And then in response to another e-mail from the step-mom, (my friend hadn't written to me yet,) where she said my friend was having a difficult time with the death, I naturally petitioned God for Him to use this situation for my friend's best, as she's a Christian. She just e-mailed me finally tonight, and surprisingly stated that something's strangely changed within her, and after speaking with her step-mom had concluded that it coincided with my prayer for her and so was caused by it. I leave that conclusion up to God, but cannot deny the appearance of all this. I've also recently seen two of my rare petitions for other people recently come to fruition in striking ways, and with issues that were pretty weighty too!

Straining is not God's chosen way of working with His Children. Trust Him, rely on Him, and hand over to Him the development of your relationship with Him and your spiritual development, and He will take care of things the best way possible.

Going back to that "spark" concept and God's prompting Dan to get out of bed, I'd like to share how I've come to know God as my "Divine Alarm Clock"! I just love this! It started when I was in Hawaii three years ago with my family. I was sharing a condo with four of my relatives, and happened to get put in charge of the condo's alarm clock. I tried to figure it out, and I'm usually pretty good at figuring out electrical things, but for some reason I just couldn't, (I later realized God confused me on purpose!) We had many things that we had to wake up for at very different times, and I was pretty confident when I'd set the alarm clock at night, but the morning sometimes proved otherwise.

What happened then was that God woke me up on those mornings a few minutes before the alarm was supposed to go off. The first of these mornings it was to go off at like 2 am. The other mornings were all different times as well. Actually, I think it was only three mornings this happened, but still! So God revealed Himself to me as a Divine Alarm Clock! Since then He's continued to wake me up when needed, and always giving me enough time. Recently He did it two days in a row!

I'm losing my track here! So rely on God for your relationship to Him, which will lead to your hearing God's voice in different ways including sparks and audibly, (though audibly is rare). Also I'd like to share that the main way God has chosen to speak to me is through undeniable "coincidences". He's trained me in this area as well, and has had to stop me from getting near paranoid with it! I had some big blunders while in training for that, but now that combined with "sparks" are the ways God primarily speaks to me! And it's progressed to where I like to say He constantly speaks to me because He's taught me how to take nearly everything as a revealing of His will in some way. This all has taken years, of course, and like I've said blunders, but I tell you, no matter the road, it's worth the journey!

Oh, right, and on tuning out noises and all that to hear God, I share your concerns Brian. I tried to do that for so long, but would always end up saying God's responses to my prayers myself! I'd hold the conversations I'd try to have with God by myself! I still end up doing that if I try to hear God's voice that way! I think God does use that method for some Christians, but I've had to realize that God uses other methods for me. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that! It took me awhile to accept that.

In all my babbling, have I said anything you think you could work with Brian?

Re: Burning Bushes and Trained Ears

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 12:15 am
by Felgar
kateliz wrote:Hold it here! Good start and all, but that guy's advice will most certainly have you hearing voices other than God's! Even Scripture, when filtered through presumptions, can have you conclude unscriptural truth! You have to know all of Scripture, (possess by the Holy Spirit the general truths revealed in it, and those constantly checked and confirmed by the Holy Spirit and Scripture).
Well I probably didn't do justice to the proposal and if I could give the title of the book it would help. He did stress quite a bit about verification through elders and the Bible. I think for some people it could work - it's really about spending time with God and being open to Him. You're right though, definately gotta be careful about other influences.

Great post about your own walk with God Kateliz - I think you've demonstrated exactly what Christians mean by our walk with God, and how we grow in that relationship and learn to trust and love God more each day. And that journey is very much what our Christian lives are all about. Not only Brian but I think all of us can be encouraged by understanding that aspect of our Christian lives.