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Aliens and God

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:13 am
by Tash
what happens if the aliens dont beleive in or have never heard of a "God" in the essence of the christian idea of god? or can we just say that they would beleive in god as they will if they are a race more intelligent than us have the ideals that god teaches us

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:22 am
by Kurieuo
What "happens if the aliens..." seems to presume their existence as a matter of fact. Have you had experiences or something that prove their reality to you?

What if the alien life forms were actually spiritual rather than physical? People for some reason always seem to presume they're physical, but the way they (lights) apparently zoom around the sky seems to defy the laws of physics.


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:09 pm
by voicingmaster
God gave the Bible to one planet, why can't He do it again?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 4:49 pm
by Darwin_Rocks
How do we know that aliens dont have a far superior religion then Christianity chances are they could have been created alot earlier than us and therefore have evolved a lot quicker.

Their religion could be more encompassing and have less holes in it than Christianity. Maybe on an alien planet EVERYONE is a believer.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:11 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Don't make outrageous claims as if they're fact. Christianity is bullet proof, no holes, sorry. Gives the best answers to every question. Your religion, on the other hand, has been gunned down :P

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:58 pm
by Kurieuo
How do we know that aliens aren't red, have horns, a tail and pitchfork? ;)


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:01 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Kurieuo wrote:How do we know that aliens aren't red, have horns, a tail and pitchfork? ;)

Because they're purple.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:24 pm
by Kurieuo
Well Martians are red. Otherwise please explain why Mars is red? Actually it's said to be more of an orangy colour now isn't it? My mistake.


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:59 pm
by JBirdAngel
i believe this person was asking a serious question... im not so sure why a serious answer wasnt given? i breifly skimmed this post at, im not sure if its the one i read before or not, but what i read before made sense to me, and i think that that article kinda gives the same answer. the idea being that the Bible shows us that all creation suffers because of man and waits for the salvation of man and this earth to be destroyed and such i think is what it says, that all the heavens and earth are watching mans action and waiting for this sinful fallen existence to be done away with and so on, which it doesnt make too much sense that since all creation suffers because of our sin that there would be moral intelligent life on other planets, from the Bible, humans seem to be the prize and most loved creation of God in this existence as Jesus talks about how God takes care of the birds but doesnt he love us more or something like that i believe... so i tend to agree with this as it makes alot of sense to me...

as far as the remark about aliens not being physical but being spiritual, i think that this would lead to the thought that aliens then were angels or demons? i dont really think angels would zip around like that sometimes in ways that we can see, there is nothing against it in the Bible, nor for it, and i see no purpose in angels just zipping around the sky like that sometimes and so on, so i dont neccesarily agree with that thought, atleast not the angels side of it... who knows what satan does to try to turn people form God....

also there is of course no true evidence of aliens yet, most things being easily explainable by other things..

however another interesting note a friend of mine showed me and told me about is i think some people believe that Jesus and the angels are aliens? not sure, but he said that in alot of the old pictures of the crucifixtion it shows a star like thing in the sky with people in it, so possibly a ufo is the thought i guess, which i think is interesting, ive actually only seen one picture with such a thing, but i dont believe Jesus is an alien, and there is nothing in the Bible to lead us to think that angels or Jesus needed some sort of means of transportation besides themselves, while yes it isnt neccesary for them to tell us if they do need such, there is no implication, and Jesus ascending to Heaven it seems like in front of everyone, doesnt sound like he used any vehicle... but just thought it was interesting so mentioned it here, i dont know if thats bad to do or not?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:17 am
by Kurieuo
My compliments JBird. Seriously. It is refreshing to see you taking some initiative in your posts, even if I may not agree 100% with everything you say. ;)


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 12:35 am
by Tash
well this has given me something to think about, yes Kurieuo i beleive in aliens as much as i beleive in god, which, though it may not sound like it is ALOT. their form means little to me, simply the spectualtion of their possible alignment as a race. it is truly interesting, i dont want to argue any theory at all just speculation also your post
Kurieuo wrote:How do we know that aliens aren't red, have horns, a tail and pitchfork? ;)
well, thats a pretty pesimistic outlook on it all.

and no matter what form the aliens are, i am sure they dont visit us all that often, to far to travel really, and hey, we aint that interesting

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 1:37 am
by Kurieuo
Tash wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:How do we know that aliens aren't red, have horns, a tail and pitchfork? ;)
well, thats a pretty pesimistic outlook on it all.
Where's the pessimism? Perhaps you think my comments silly, and although a note of sarcasm, there is usually truth behind every joke. Why rule out inter-dimensional beings? I think it most plausible given residual UFO phenomena, some of which defies the laws of physics. I would recommend reading over


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:23 am
by Alien
There are no scientific evidences for UFO existence.

Therefore, I would say that believing in UFO existence is also an act of faith.

Please note that I would not confuse UFOs with aliens. Statistically, in some parts of the universe there might be several places with a life-supporting environment.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:56 am
by Kurieuo
Alien wrote:There are no scientific evidences for UFO existence.
That's a massive claim to make, and so I'm assuming you're quite an authority on this issue. Tell me, what are your qualifications and experiences with researching and investigating such things?


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:56 am
by bizzt
Alien wrote:Statistically, in some parts of the universe there might be several places with a life-supporting environment.
Where's the Stat's On that... Really Earth is the only place that Scientists have found that is possible of a life-supporting Environment