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Burning the quran

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:30 am
by CountryBoy
Who knows if this really happened or not...who really cares. I would be very surprised if something like this didn't happen though, it's not physically hurting anyone yet may be a great physchological benefit in place of torture.

What would I do if I heard they were burning bibles in Iraq/Iran. Absolutely nothing, they are attacking God, I'd leave that up to Him. But what happens when a quran is flushed down a toilet., there are riots everywhere and many people are killed...because a book was flushed down a toilet.

It's very obvious which god they serve.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:49 am
by Kurieuo
Maybe it's just me, but I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to? ;)


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:18 am
by Felgar
So I guess you don't watch much American cable news Kurieuo. Not watching a good thing actually. :)

Anyways, the American magazine Newsweek incorrectly reported that at Guantanamo bay, some of the American interigators made Muslims watch as they flushed the Kuran down the toilet. Roits started all over the middle east, and I think 17 people died in Afganistan because of it. The next day Newsweek admitted that they couldn't corrobrate the story.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:27 am
by kateliz
You're right Felgar, that's good journalism!

I read a book titled, How to Watch TV News and boy, was that a shocker! (I'm too trusting.) It's all for money and there's quite a lot of lying. I admit I was too stupid to realize this before. I hate the news. Newspapers and internet reports as well. Who knows the truth or reports it accurately, I'd like to know? Or who reports the truly important or worthwhile news? I'm sick of fires and murders and bad cops and fingers in chili! I have less and less respect for those who participate in such buisnesses.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:20 am
by CountryBoy
Yeah, the even sadder part is that they probably did it knowing it was untrue in anticipation of the negative publicity afterwards. :?

As they say, even bad press is better than none. :cry:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:24 am
by CountryBoy
I read a book titled, How to Watch TV News and boy, was that a shocker! (I'm too trusting.)
Everytime I watch one of these shows about a person accused of murdering his/her (or some other gruesome crime) own family it goes like this.

They show 10 minutes of all of the facts and accusations that point to why they did it and I'm completely convinced they did it.

Then they show 10 minutes of facts and alibis and reasons why it could not have possible been them and how it must have been so-and-so that just passed through town and I'm completely convinced they did not do it.

It's easy to spin the info into whatever you want, isn't it?