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Is there a pool of minds

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:12 pm
by Anonymous
Could God so ordaned man kind to have communication with others outside the boundries of distance and time.

Have you ever had dejavu or a sensation someone was thinking about you only moments later to receive a phone call.

I've thought about this often as I seem to have noticed it more and more lately.


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:20 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Not a clue how you get those weird feelings and get them verified. That'd be creepy if it happenned to me.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:24 pm
by Anonymous
Had it for some time.
Just odd, good or bad I haven't decided.


Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:40 am
by kateliz
I think everyone gets those experiences. I don't know anything about them for sure, but I do know that they are completely different from God speaking to you. I'd like to know myself, but can only speculate that it's because "we are spirits in the material world", (The Police.) I wouldn't believe in the "pool of minds" you suggested, but could believe that our spirits do have vague connections in their own realm that we aren't aware of. In high school psychology class the teacher said that deja vu was a scientifically explainable phenominon, but never got around to explaining it to us. :cry: I used to somewhat believe that deja vu experiences indicated that you were doing God's will with the general direction of your life, but that was sixth grade and I know better now!

Any other ideas?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:25 pm
by Felgar
There is research ongoing that links dejavu to subconscious perceptions. The theory is that the subconscious stores items into memory much like our own consciousness does, but with different results. Example:

We are walking across a rope bridge and mostly gazing at the river below and also concentrating not to step on a broken or rotten board. At times we may glance across to the other side, where there is a sign saying "welcome traveller." We don't consciously acknowledge the sign but we perceive it and subconsciously process the information. The subconscous then stores the sign directly into our long-term memory. When we get to the other side, we consciously perceive the sign and recognize a match with the one that has been stored into long-term memory. We then think, "I feel like I've been here, a long time ago."

It's one possible explanation but certainly doesn't explain all of the occurences. I can see how that type of thing would be applicable in a lot of my own experiences though.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 6:39 pm
by j316
I experience deja vu often enough for it to be noticeable, I could not state with certainty that it represents anything real. It certainly seems real, but it's essentially beyond proof.

To echo Felgar, I remember reading some time ago [that could be ages in my case] that it was somehow related to a time lag between the conscious and unconscious minds perception of the same event. Thus there would be a perception of a time differential between two versions of the same event, the mind then fills in the rest.

Personally I would rather believe in a faulty time line, someone said once that it would be a peculiar reality that only went in one direction.