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Music, Money & God

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:08 am
by Anonymous
Hi, this is my first post.
Are there any rules in Christianity about music, for example, making music and making money from music?
Are people who make a LOT of money on their way to hell? Is being rich and or famous a sin?

Re: Music, Money & God

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:12 am
by bizzt
soulfool wrote:Hi, this is my first post.
Are there any rules in Christianity about music, for example, making music and making money from music?
Are people who make a LOT of money on their way to hell? Is being rich and or famous a sin?
I don't believe there are any Rules about Making Money From Music... No People are not on their way to hell by making lots of Money HOWEVER the Lust, Love of that Money may indeed take you to Hell. Nope Being Rich or Famous is not a Sin! Look at King Solomon, David. They were ridiculously Rich however they gave their Life to God.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:14 pm
by Felgar
Yup - they say Solomon would still rank as the richest person is all of history to date including Gates, etc. Not sure where I heard that.

Anyways, understand that Christianity is not about rules and doing this, and not that. It is first about understanding that the creator of the universe loves each of us personally and sacrificed His son so that we might be made righteous and therefore be able to spend eternity in a loving relationship with Him. In fact there are really only two rules: Love the Lord your God (which entails accepting His Grace), and Love your Neighbour.

So if you can get rich while loving your neighbours then it's actually God's plan for you. He may very well use that wealth to help feed Africa or cure cancer, or whatever.

BUT (big but) the fact remains that money is of the world, and for the world. It's so enticing that it can be extremely difficult to continue serving God while striving to earn money; the danger is that money becomes your God and the purpose of your life. Though even then if you've accepted Jesus you'll be saved, but what you'll miss is a fullfilling life lived in God's service, and also heavenly rewards that we cant even begin to contemplate here on Earth. Jesus warns us of the danger that wealth can pose:

Mark 10:23
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!"

What He means is that it's so easy to be consumed by greed, or else if we're rich prior to being saved we start thinking that we don't need God. The entire passage around that quote is worthwhile reading: Mark 10:17-31