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Accept Christ?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:45 am
by ochotseat
What type of Christian are you?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 5:33 pm
by Forge
Roman Catholic, bay-bee.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:40 am
by StreetReacher
I am a Pentecostal/Charismatic Christian.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:10 am
by Veronica
Roman Catholic

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:22 am
by jerickson314
I guess you would consider me "Protestant" or "Evangelical". The denomination of the church I attend is The Evangelical Covenant Church. But I look forward to seeing all you Roman Catholics, Charismatics, etc. in heaven, given that you have personally accepted Christ.

I am shaking my head about the silly atheists who say that they might pick the Baptist denomination, find out the Presbyterians are right, and end up in hell. This shows such a gross misunderstanding of Christianity.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:46 pm
by ella
I'm kind of an "other"... I'm part of a church that relates to an apostolic team called New Covenant Ministries International. The churches that relate to this team are non-denominational, and I suppose one would describe us as "charismatic". We believe in the bible plus nothing, the bible minus nothing, and so we're pretty similar to the original Antioch style church, really.

I'm saddened by the rifts between denominations though. I think it's a huge strategy satan has been using, cause he knows how powerful we would be if we were a unified church...

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:49 pm
by Dan
ella wrote:I'm kind of an "other"... I'm part of a church that relates to an apostolic team called New Covenant Ministries International. The churches that relate to this team are non-denominational, and I suppose one would describe us as "charismatic". We believe in the bible plus nothing, the bible minus nothing, and so we're pretty similar to the original Antioch style church, really.

I'm saddened by the rifts between denominations though. I think it's a huge strategy satan has been using, cause he knows how powerful we would be if we were a unified church...
Luckily there is hope of reconciliation between the catholic and eastern orthodox churches 8) That was one of John Paul II's goals during his reign and I'm sure it's one for the current leaders in both churches.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:46 pm
by ochotseat
ella wrote:I'm kind of an "other"... I'm part of a church that relates to an apostolic team called New Covenant Ministries International. The churches that relate to this team are non-denominational, and I suppose one would describe us as "charismatic". We believe in the bible plus nothing, the bible minus nothing, and so we're pretty similar to the original Antioch style church, really.

I'm saddened by the rifts between denominations though. I think it's a huge strategy satan has been using, cause he knows how powerful we would be if we were a unified church...
Sounds like you're a nondenominational Protestant.

A few Protestants believe that Roman Catholics are pagans in sheep's clothing who go to hell because they pray for saints' blessings, their church is hierarchical and viewed as anti-democratic/capitalism/death penalty, the Pope is the ultimate authority, the Virgin Mary is elevated to almost divine status, their belief of works as equal to salvation through faith, their insistence on the existence of purgatory which the Bible's unclear on, their highly decorated churches with statues, their empowerment of priests, and past persecution of Protestants by Catholics in France and other mostly Catholic countries.
In fact, I've heard a few Christians refer to the Roman Catholic Church as a satanic church and that past persecution of Catholics by Protestants in the UK and US was justified. :roll:
I'm glad most Christians are into the current ecumenical movement.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:29 am
by Preach
I voted "other" because I do not belong to any organized church. However, given my study of the many different denominational belief systems, I know that what I have come to believe most closely matches the fundamentalists-- sin nature, accepting christ as our propitiator in place of our righfully deserved punishment (which would mean I believe in Hell, too lol), plus a few things un-PC things we "bigoted fundies" are known for. It's a long story, but I never would have dreamed that I would end up believing the things I do now, especially seeing as how I used to have such animosity towards christian folks-- especially fundementalists. Ironic, is it not?

Denominations are a Sin

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 8:20 am
by kateliz
I was tempted to vote protestant, (I'm sure some here are saying, "No duh you would!") But even though I appreciate that there are denominations simply for some clarification between truth and falsehood it is a sin.

I do not like the ecumenical movement, however, because people are allowing too much falsehood to go by while being smiled at because, "we all worship God differently!" Baloney! Bologna actually: Some rat tails here, mouse poop here, and a little of these red parts, whatever they are, that fell on the floor! The ecumenical movement has caused, as I've seen, the people in it to just sit and smile while filth is masquraded as Christian truth. At least I've seen that some people in it are like that, (when I'm not sure they would've been so accepting before all this hearts and flowers stuff began.)

We are sinful creatures while still on earth and there are innumerable false teachers and false prophets and people who call themselves kinds of Christs. Truth must be differentiated from falsehood and Satanic lies.

Again, I believe denominations are a sin, but we must be strict and make no allowances when it comes falsehoods being taught. Don't smile at lies!

Oh, right, and I believe the Bible!

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 8:24 am
by jerickson314
Kateliz, I agree with you. In my post I was simply referring to the sad tendency to question salvation based on side issues. False teaching is bad, but when it doesn't prevent salvation we shouldn't alienate people.

Of course, false teaching that prevents salvation is purely bad.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 11:43 am
by LittleShepherd
Preach a few things un-PC things we "bigoted fundies" are known for. It's a long story, but I never would have dreamed that I would end up believing the things I do now, especially seeing as how I used to have such animosity towards christian folks-- especially fundementalists. Ironic, is it not?
Oh, no! You are fundamentalist zealot! 8)

Seriously, though, I know exactly where you're coming from. My belief system was basically "Christian," except for a few important issues. Acceptance of other religions as "valid." Acceptance of homosexuality. In fact, was gay, and had some friends who were gay, bi, or otherwise weird. Since coming to Christ, my view on the whole thing has also done a complete 180. I'm one of the more outspoken people you'll find against homosexuality and other religions now, though I don't bring those topics up in personal witnessing.

Re: Denominations are a Sin

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 5:58 pm
by ochotseat
kateliz wrote:I was tempted to vote protestant, (I'm sure some here are saying, "No duh you would!") But even though I appreciate that there are denominations simply for some clarification between truth and falsehood it is a sin.

I do not like the ecumenical movement, however, because people are allowing too much falsehood to go by while being smiled at because, "we all worship God differently!" Baloney! Bologna actually: Some rat tails here, mouse poop here, and a little of these red parts, whatever they are, that fell on the floor! The ecumenical movement has caused, as I've seen, the people in it to just sit and smile while filth is masquraded as Christian truth. At least I've seen that some people in it are like that, (when I'm not sure they would've been so accepting before all this hearts and flowers stuff began.)

We are sinful creatures while still on earth and there are innumerable false teachers and false prophets and people who call themselves kinds of Christs. Truth must be differentiated from falsehood and Satanic lies.

Again, I believe denominations are a sin, but we must be strict and make no allowances when it comes falsehoods being taught. Don't smile at lies!

Oh, right, and I believe the Bible!
What type of filth are you talking about exactly?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 10:29 pm
by Forge
LittleShepherd wrote: Oh, no! You are fundamentalist zealot! 8)
Heck, if he were white and a male, he would never be called the victim of a discrimination crime.

Black Racists

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:54 am
by kateliz
Forge, you made me very mad. I, a white female, have been the victim of racial discrimination by black males, (and black females too, but less.) It was in a class I took in highschool called "Black History," and as you might guess it was about the history of African Americans, (I would be more of a German American than most African Americans because they've been in the country longer, you know. You don't see me calling myself that though; I am American, and if you classify me by race just call me white- that is quite adequate.) I was the only white person in the class, (there was one Oriental guy there, but he and a true African both dropped out pretty quickly.)

I learned a whole lot about African Americans there, and one of the main things is that they tend to be a million times more racist than whites do. Most whites I know who think they might be racist, (they really aren't,) only don't like the subculture that African Americans have created for themselves, (you know exactly what I'm talking about: the bad attitudes, the raunchy stuff, the loudness, obnoxiousness, etc.) I can tell that you don't participate in such things, but you know they exist and are pretty prevalent. Anyway, probably more than twenty times I had racist comments made against me, (most by two black males who loved that whole subculture,) and probably fifty or more times racist comments were made by other people in the class against whites. A Milado, (what's the exact word?) was absolutely furious that she was half white.

Now you tell me that it's the poor black people who receive all of the racism. It's the other way around nowadays. White people, if they say they don't like black people, (in America,) in truth only do not like their subculture. That's also true regarding Mexican Americans, but they have their own culture, (obviously,) and it's only regarding two things as far as I've heard. I've had to convince at least two whites so far who were honestly afraid they were racist that they in fact weren't. The racism belongs to the African Americans now, (for the most part- of course you still have white racists.)

Just thought I'd clear that up.

Ochotseat, the filth I spoke of wasn't anything in particular, just all of the unbiblical theologies Christians teach. I won't name any here in case someone believes in it and wants to defend it. I meant everything like that.