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Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:10 pm
by Prodigal Son
is drinking wrong? or just being a drunkard?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:12 pm
by Dan
Drinking is OK as long as it is not endangering your faith, or others. Being drunk is strictly wrong for those reasons and because it's indulging in physical pleasure.

It is also wrong to drink if it will tempt another person, this goes for anything else. Don't do something if it will tempt someone else to fall.

Side note: How are you doing? Did you sort out your life yet? Hope you get some peace in your life soon.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:19 pm
by Prodigal Son
thank you. i'm still here...drinking alot :lol: .

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 7:19 pm
by LittleShepherd
The Bible even states that wine(and other strong drink) is a gift from God, and is to be enjoyed like all of his gifts. So no, drinking isn't wrong. But yes, getting drunk is wrong. It has nothing to do with getting physical pleasure -- there is nothing in the Bible that ever states that physical pleasure is wrong. The reason getting drunk is wrong is that it clouds your mind, and we're to be of a clear mind whenever it's within our control.

Again, physical pleasure isn't wrong. This goes with drinking, hot baths and showers, massages, and even sex. God gave us these good things, and wants for us to enjoy them to the fullest -- <B>in the proper way.</B> It's when you take them too far, and when we pervert them by doing them in the improper way, at an improper time/place, or with the wrong person(in the case of sex) that they become sin.

And as with anything else, as a Christian you must be aware of how you're affecting your testimony when you do these things. Dan's right about that. Causing someone else to stumble is a big no-no. Also, we're not to give off a false impression; other people should be able to tell we're Christians. Many so-called Christians use the "this is allowed" excuse in order to justify their overindulgence and selfishness.

Can't Enjoy God's Gift

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 10:44 pm
by kateliz
Well said LS! I co-sign.

Although I still can't even stand a sip of wine! For whatever reason the taste repulses me, no matter what kind I try. Am I alone with this peculiarity? :?

Re: Can't Enjoy God's Gift

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 11:46 pm
by Felgar
kateliz wrote:Although I still can't even stand a sip of wine! For whatever reason the taste repulses me, no matter what kind I try. Am I alone with this peculiarity? :?
I also agree that drinkinig in very light moderation is ok. It's possibly dangerous for some, and for that reason I'd classify it as not the best idea.

I'm with you on drinking in general - typically I'd rather take the much cheaper Coca-Cola and I enjoy it more anyways. Win win, really. :)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 12:30 pm
by Prodigal Son
the taste repulses i alone with this peculiarity?
not really, i hate the way most of it the way it feels. funny what people will do to feel good. :?

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 8:59 pm
by kateliz
I've never been able to figure this out- does alchohol add flavor or something? Why have it in your drink unless to get a buzz or more?

A week ago I had to help put my very drunk 18 year old brother to bed, (who kept trying to take off his underwear in front of me, who knows why.) He had passed out at a party while on the phone with his girlfriend telling her to pick him up, (my friend also.) He apparently threw up while out, and his "friends" would've left him there to choke to death on his own vomit. He claimed to have learned his lesson, (second that I know about,) but I don't think it'll affect him after a little while and he'll do it again. I'm not really writing for advice I guess, though any you'd want to give would be nice. Just felt like sharing!

And it is sad what people will do to "feel good." Too often, like with drinking too much, it ultimately makes them feel worse than if they hadn't. Humans are complicated creatures for sure.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 9:56 pm
by LittleShepherd
There are a few reasons for drinking alcohol that are acceptable.

It can calm you down, without getting drunk. A little drink does calm the nerves without drunkenness or disorientation. This is a good thing, but can be taken too far. You could drink too much, and get drunk, or you could become dependent. But used wisely, it's one of God's great gifts to us.

It can make you feel better if you're sick, or in pain. And it can even help the healing process when taken sparingly. It dulls pain, calms the body down, and relaxes you. It can make it easier for you to sleep. In this way, it's one of God's great gifts. Also note that the Bible was written in an age with precious little anesthesia or real medical knowledge. Alcohol did it all, really. It could clean a wound, dull the pain, knock you out, and/or calm you down. Again, if not taken to excess.

To many people, it just tastes good. Personally, I think alcohol tastes disgusting, but that's my taste and so it doesn't apply to everyone. Some people really do like the taste of alcohol, and it can enhance a meal for them the same way some spice or a soda would do so for me. If not taken to excess, that's perfectly fine.

Some alcohols have beneficial chemicals not found many other places. The chemical substance found in red wine that's good for your heart, for example. Other than in red wine, there's not many places you can obtain it naturally. So a little bit of certain alcoholic beverages can be quite good for you.

I still don't drink, personally, but can understand why some people would. I don't understand the drunkenness thing, though. I've done it a couple times in the past, and it's thoroughly unpleasant.

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 10:57 pm
by kateliz
Why thank you for informing me, (mostly reminding,) of the benefits of alchohol, ("not taken to excess" that is. :wink: )

A few years ago I sat with a group of semi distant relatives and their friends as they talked about different alchoholic drinks, and I just didn't get what the big deal was about the adding alchohol. Why not just have it virgin? I thought they were crazy. But, if it actually does add or enhance flavor, then I guess I understand. Thanks for clearing that up!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 7:03 am
by Dan
I have a great alternative to alcohol.

Lemon Juice.

Sure, it tastes almost as bad, and erodes your esophagus, but at least it won't give you cerosis of the liver :lol:

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 1:25 pm
by Prodigal Son
:x lemon juice? no way, dude!

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:04 pm
by Dan
Prodigal Son wrote::x lemon juice? no way, dude!
Why am I the only person in the world who enjoys the occasional glass of lemon juice? :cry:

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:40 pm
by Forge
Because you SUCK!

I'm kidding. To each his own peculiar tastes, eh?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:47 pm
by jerickson314
Forge wrote:To each his own peculiar tastes, eh?
Preaching culinary relativism, are we? Just kidding. :wink: