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Class of 2005

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 1:20 am
by jakelo
Hey everyone, just wanted to tell all of you that I just graduated from highschool! I'm so excited, and I'm very proud of myself. But I have still have college up ahead! :? Just thought I'd let everyone in on the good news!

P.S. Congrats Bizzt!!!!

Re: Class of 2005

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 6:55 am
by bizzt
jakelo wrote:Hey everyone, just wanted to tell all of you that I just graduated from highschool! I'm so excited, and I'm very proud of myself. But I have still have college up ahead! :? Just thought I'd let everyone in on the good news!

P.S. Congrats Bizzt!!!!
Thanks Jakelo and hey Congrats to you! It has been almost 10 years for me since Highschool

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:11 am
by jerickson314
Congratulations! It has been two days (Wednesday) since I graduated from high school. :D

I was one of eleven valedictorians, because we have an unweighted GPA scale. Here's what I said in my valedictorian speech:
My Valedictorian Speech wrote:The Questions to Ask Yourself:

I think that there are several questions we should ask ourselves as we graduate from high school. I have two questions to ask yourself about growing up, seven about college, and one about life in general.

I have two questions about growing up to ask yourself.
1.) How can I apply what have I learned from my high school experience?
As we have matured in high school, we have learned many lessons in life. We should explore these lessons for ourselves.
2.) What can my parents teach me before I leave?
Much as we often don't like to admit it, our parents have had more experience than us and can give good advice.


I have seven questions about college and your studies.
1.) Do my study habits need to change?
For instance, if you do not work hard enough or procrastinate, you may need to change.
2.) What can I do to change my study habits?
For instance, are there distractions you can avoid?
3.) What relaxation activities work for me to reduce stress?
Relaxation is important for the purpose of avoiding stress.
4.) What extracurricular activities do I enjoy?
Sports and other extracurricular activities can both reduce stress and build friendships.
5.) Are there any classes I enjoy?
Chances are, areas of study you enjoy can direct you to satisfying careers in the long run.
6.) What subjects am I particularly good at?
Of course, talent matters as much as enjoyment. You should look for something that just "clicks", like math does for me.
7.) What should my priorities be?
It is important to decide how important studies and activities are to you.

I have one question about life in general. There is only one because it is critically important. If you take nothing else from my speech, ponder this question.
1.) What am I really looking for in life?
Some people seek after pleasure during life. However, it is important to consider what really matters to you. What will matter to you when you are lying on your death bed? As for me and my life, I will seek to do the will of my Creator.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:11 am
by Forge
I destest and loath every single one of you with a passion. I, sirs, must trudge through a week of high school finals before I am free. And, dammit, we haven't done a commendable senior prank yet. It looks like the sheep idea is going to be used.

And Jerick, why am I not surpised at you being a valedictorian (Though in most schools that I hear of, there's only one valedictorian, but meh)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 12:21 pm
by jerickson314
Forge wrote:I destest and loath every single one of you with a passion. I, sirs, must trudge through a week of high school finals before I am free. And, dammit, we haven't done a commendable senior prank yet. It looks like the sheep idea is going to be used.
We didn't have to take finals our second semester. :lol:
Forge wrote:And Jerick, why am I not surpised at you being a valedictorian (Though in most schools that I hear of, there's only one valedictorian, but meh)

BTW, I will be on vacation for over a week, so I won't be posting. I will say, however, that yes there is a significance to the bolded words in my speech. I'll leave it to you to figure out what it is.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:43 pm
by Forge
jerickson314 wrote:We didn't have to take finals our second semester. :lol:
Now I have an urge to wag an electronic middle finger at you.

Blah. Well, I don't have to take on an English exam, since I took the AP test a couple weeks back and they don't make me take another test. Films was way easy--we took it early, hooray!-- and Theology is gonna be a snap. I'm just worried about Government, Pre-calc, and Physics, phys and calc being honors courses. Ugh. I hate you!
Forge wrote:BTW, I will be on vacation for over a week, so I won't be posting.
That's no excuse. Steal someone's computer and internet connection.

Graduating Hell and Stealing the Internet

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:27 pm
by kateliz
Forge wrote:That's no excuse. Steal someone's computer and internet connection.
That's what I'm doing right now! I'm spending Memorial weekend at my friend's and we're just making fun of and yelling at each other while we watch movies. She works weekends and so I have free run of the internet while she's slaving away. :twisted: I will comment on two of the movies on another thread I'll make under this category.

I had the great pleasure of graduating two years ago, and haven't been to school since. The quality of my life improved very dramatically! Felt like I was floating on air! Stayed up 'till the next morning each night, and boy was it awesome! (I've been a night-owl since early elementary school when I'd stay up reading Green Eggs and Ham with a flashlight!) I share in the joy you youngsters have now or will have soon! Forge, much sympathy for now. :cry: Your tears are my tears, Brother!

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:52 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
My Valedictorian speech, since someone pasted his:
The class of 2005 has finally graduated! We've survived three term papers, a manifesto, what seemed to be a never ending procession of essays, tests, and homework, each other, and, as every preceding class has probably said, we have survived Mrs. Montgomery. First and foremost of course I would like to thank everyone for attending this ceremony that ushers us into the next phase in our lives. Upon receiving our little pieces of paper, we will be, in a very short time, on our own to make our own way in the world.
I have learned many things at Brenham Christian Academy. Who wouldn't after four years? But the most significant thing I have come across is this: You cannot get anything done by thinking about doing it, you must act. You cannot change the world by dreaming up ways to do it. You have to go and act on what you have been dreaming up. The first two term papers were instrumental in teaching me this-thinking about doing them for a week never got them done. At least one other person shared in this experience with me. We spent about an hour talking about doing our term paper before we actually did it.
To my class I say these few words. You rarely hid behind a mask; you rarely pretended to be anything you were not. I hope that you never put on a mask for the world. Here at BCA, you could be yourself because you knew you would be accepted, but in the real world, you will not always be accepted for who you are. It is a rare thing to find people who do not play to the desires of others. You, I hope, will reduce its scarcity.
We have an uncertain future ahead of us. You may not always experience the Hollywood ending. The good guys don't necessarily win all the time. Also, you can't wait around, hoping for the perfect situation to drop out of the sky onto your lap. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “Do what you can with what you have where you are.” What I promise you, though, is what God does: Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” I'm sure we all have grand plans for ourselves. Some of us plan on being a doctor, an FBI agent, and even one of us plans on being a NASA engineer, but God also has plans for us, better plans in fact, and they will come to fruition. He knows the consequences of every possible action we might make, while we only have a vague idea, so while our plans have an ending and some detail about the middle, God's plans are thought through. Finally, class, I would like to leave you with a few words by Jonathan Swift: “May you live all the days of your life.”
As I was thinking about the various things I would be talking about, I realized I needed some unifying statement to tie everything in. Also, I thought I'd bow to Dougal's wishes and quote Winston Churchill. He said, “Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” This is something everyone should take to heart, not just my class. No matter how bleak the future looks, nobody should ever surrender himself to fate and give up. Thank you for your time.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:19 pm
by kateliz
That was a very nice speech, Marty. It must be nice to feel so free in speaking about God, too. I went to a public highschool and almost got suspended by the Lutheran Vice Principal with the threat of expulsion because of talking about Christianity in a class with a Christian teacher, (who told me she wanted to influence her students for Christ, but never spoke on anything even related and forbade me from doing it either!) That was pretty weird considering that I always freely spoke boldly of my faith and beliefs! Hopefully everyone who ever had a class with me there knew that I was a Christian. If not, it's to my shame. :(

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:55 pm
by Forge
I'm now a Junipero Serra High school alumnus!



Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:11 pm
by jerickson314
Forge wrote:Blah. Well, I don't have to take on an English exam, since I took the AP test a couple weeks back and they don't make me take another test. Films was way easy--we took it early, hooray!-- and Theology is gonna be a snap. I'm just worried about Government, Pre-calc, and Physics, phys and calc being honors courses. Ugh. I hate you!
I did take four AP tests. Spanish, Calculus BC, Computer Science A, and Chemistry.
Forge wrote:That's no excuse. Steal someone's computer and internet connection.
Exodus 20:15 :wink:

Plus I didn't see your message until after getting back anyway.

Congratulations on your own graduation!

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:31 pm
by Forge
jerickson314 wrote:I did take four AP tests. Spanish, Calculus BC, Computer Science A, and Chemistry.
Well, you're a valedictorian. I'm just some anonymous suma. :wink:
Exodus 20:15 :wink:
Borrow it, not steal it 8) .
Congratulations on your own graduation!