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Imminent disasters = End times?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 8:45 pm
by Dan
Let's see...

1. Influenza Pandemic

You ought to have heard it on the news by now. There's a pandemic flu that is on the verge of being set off any day now. Health experts estimate tens of millions of people worldwide will be sick and millions will die. The economic and political effects would be disastrous, sending shockwaves throughout the global infrastructure. No one will be immune to the virus because it will be brand new to humans. The virus will spread very fast and will be very hard to contain.

And the world governments aren't taking action.

2. Yellowstone National Park

Yes, the United States national park is an imminent threat. Scientists believe there is a large pocket of magma underneath yellowstone that is due to erupt. It would be so powerful the average temperature of the entire world would drop because of debris and fallout. North America would be devastated by the effects of such a supervolcano.

3. European Union Constitution

How will the antichrist show up? Well the most obvious choice would be taking control of several countries as the top ruler. The European Constitution wants to install a permanent prime minister which would be the head of the EU. That's really dangerous because it's very easy to imagine such a leader being capable of doing what the Bible prophecies the Antichrist will do.

4. Oil Crisis

With the world in turmoil if the other calamities occur, oil prices would sky rocket due to supply problems and a disruption of it's transport. On top of the fact that oil is running out, the threat of the entire world economy becoming inert because of a lack of oil is very real.

Again, another point where the antichrist will be able to rise to power by promising oil or alternative energy sources.

5. Increased Christian prejudice

The world is abandoning Christianity and Judaism, there is a major paradigm shift in the world that is happening as I type this. The world is throwing away morals and truth and replacing it with depravity and foolishness. This isn't imminent, it's happening right now and we can see it all around us. The world is shutting it's eyes and ears to Christianity and is winding up for the punch.

Christian tribulation is very real and if any major disaster happens and the antichrist rises to power, Christianity is in danger. The prejudice will turn bloody.

Add to the list, let's compile a thread which contains every possible event that can trigger the end times in the near future.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:54 am
by Prodigal Son
:? i think we are at the end. i hope so :D

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:20 am
by puritan lad
How about Mt. Olympus, The Black Death of the 1300's, and WWII? Disasters are nothing new, and we are not in the end times.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:36 pm
by Kokujin
puritan lad wrote:How about Mt. Olympus, The Black Death of the 1300's, and WWII? Disasters are nothing new, and we are not in the end times.
Well look at your disasters. They are what... hundres of years apart? Look at the list of the topic, and you see that they could all potentially happen very soon. Its not even single events were talking about here, this is a complete change in times. A transition into something that may be irreversible, unlike your examples. Here is a quote from Don Boys

"In a few days or weeks, everyone who has not prepared for disaster will panic. I would like for you to realize that you may have already waited too long to properly prepare, and if you wait much longer, it will be too late to buy gold, guns, and groceries. ... The name of the game will be survival, only survival. Forget the job since it will be gone. Your Social Security or pension check? Don't count on it. Protection from local authorities? Probably not. You will be on your own."
Don Boys, former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, August 10, 2005

It may sound like doom and gloom but things seem to be pointing to it. You might as well prepare, its better to be safe then sorry. I know that people will avoid hearing things like this because they can't accept the end might be near...

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:46 pm
by Believer
Well just remember that puritan lad is a preterist (sp?), that is his view and only his that he follows with. So he may be right, he may be wrong. Anyone can manipulate scripture to fit what they want.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:13 am
by puritan lad
Kokujin wrote:It may sound like doom and gloom but things seem to be pointing to it. You might as well prepare, its better to be safe then sorry. I know that people will avoid hearing things like this because they can't accept the end might be near.
You all can go ahead and build your bomb shelters or whatever. The church has work to do to fulfill the Great Commission, which the Bible says will succeed, not fail.

For extra food for thought, here is a list of Prophecies concerning the Antichrist. We need to decide which one is correct.

Modern Prophecies

Dave Hunt
“Somewhere, at this very moment, on planet Earth, the antichrist is almost certainly alive — biding his time, awaiting his cue… already a mature man, he is probably active in politics, perhaps even an admired world leader whose name is on everyone's lips” (Global Peace and the Rise of the Antichrist, 5)

Pat Robertson
“...approximately 27-years old.. and being groomed to be the Satanic messiah” (700 club newsletter, Feb-Mar '80, 65)

Hal Lindsey

“ alive today — alive and waiting to come forth” (The 1980s, Couuntdown to Armageddon, 15)

John Hagee
“ probably alive right now and may even know his predsestined demonic assignment” (Beginning of the end, 135)

Ancient Prophecies

Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop of Gaul (316-397 AD)
“There is no doubt that the Antichrist has already been born. Firmly established already in his earthly years, he will, after reaching maturity, achieve supreme power.”

Which of the above are correct? The answer: None.

I'll go with St. John, since his work is inspired by the Holy Spirit.

St. John, 66 AD
"Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18)

"and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world." (1 John 4:3)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:17 am
by puritan lad
People who get their prophecy news from Christian TV (Remember the Y2K disaster) are bound to have a negative view of the world. Here are a few examples of how our modern prophecy gurus are out of touch with reality:

I.) Wars and Rumours of Wars.

Tim LeHaye Warns:

”…the 20th century has seen 180 million killed in wars…more than all the wars of history put together.” (Tim LeHaye — “Twelve Reasons Why This Could Be The Terminal Generation”, 1995)

Fact: A 1974 study of war shows that approximately 3 Billion people have been killed in over 14,000 wars since 3600 BC. From a percentage perspective, there is nothing significant about the 20th Century.

II.) Famines.

Jack Van Impe Warns:

“The worst famines the world has ever known are breaking out” (Jack Van Impe — Beyond 2000 from “Perhaps Today”

Fact: Of the five worst famines in History, not one occurred within the last century. (Not counting the manmade famine in the Soviet Union - app. 1 million died).

Worst Famines in History

China (1849) 14 million
China (1333-1337) 4 million
Ireland (1846) 1 million
Russia (1600) 500,000
India (1899) 250,000

III.) Earthquakes

Prophecy Experts Warn:

”…the 1970s…experiences the largest increase in the number of quakes known to history.” (Hal Lindsey — Countdown to Armageddon, 1980)

”Earthquakes continue to increase in frequency and intensity, just as the Bible predicts for the last days before the return of Christ. (Van Impe Intelligence Briefing, May 1997)

Fact: Siesmologists disagree.

Wilbur Rinehart - World Data Center of Boulder Colorado: “There have been no significant increase in the numbers of earthquakes during this or any other century”

Keiiti Aki - University of Southern California Dept. of Geological Sciences: “…seismicity has been stationary for thousands of years.”

Waverly Person - US Department of Interior: “Our records do not show any significant increase in great earthquakes.”

There is nothing new under the sun. The very same problems that we see today have always existed. The job of the church is to work to correct this problems in accordance to God's laws, not wait for our escape through some rapture event, which is never going to happen.

"Youth today love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, no respect for older people, and talk nonsense when they should be working. Young people do not stand up any longer when adults enter the room. They contradict their parents, talk too much in company, guzzle their food, lay their legs on the table and tyrannize their elders."
- Socrates (469-399 B.C.)

Hope this helps.