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did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:10 pm
by Prodigal Son
isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:45 pm
by LittleShepherd
There is no scientific evidence for this, no. It would have been an entirely supernatural event. Israel isn't the only culture that holds to a "really long day" taking place around that time, though. It's a pretty strange coincidence.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:28 pm
by jors23
anyone care to elaborate on this? i've never heard of it. and of course it would have to be supernatural. anything that would stop the earth from spinng would probably be a horrible disaster and if the earth stopped spinning the world be all kinds of unimaginable disaster. i'm fairly positive the earth hasn't stopped spinning by natural means since it started.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:41 pm
by bizzt
jors23 wrote:anyone care to elaborate on this? i've never heard of it. and of course it would have to be supernatural. anything that would stop the earth from spinng would probably be a horrible disaster and if the earth stopped spinning the world be all kinds of unimaginable disaster. i'm fairly positive the earth hasn't stopped spinning by natural means since it started.
This Thread should help you ... ght=joshua


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:05 am
by Starhunter
jors23 wrote:anyone care to elaborate on this? i've never heard of it. and of course it would have to be supernatural. anything that would stop the earth from spinng would probably be a horrible disaster and if the earth stopped spinning the world be all kinds of unimaginable disaster. i'm fairly positive the earth hasn't stopped spinning by natural means since it started.
It is commonly imagined by scientists and the public that if the earth stopped spinning everything would break loose and continue to fly around at speed. They also believe that there would be a catastrophic end. It is natural to think those things to be true, but it is highchair science, the child throwing food down and making justifiable conclusions. The forces that hold the earth in place, turning it, producing gravity etc overrule large scale actions as described, so that what we would expect to happen, simply does not happen, instead most things behave as normal. The earth did stand still and continued to spin after the event. There is a limit to the properties of inertia within the context of other forces in nature, described in the Bible as "the invisible." It might interest some, that gravity does not hold the planets or galaxies or universe together, it is far too weak, but rather that gravity, magnetism etc are by-products, or principles of operation within these other greater forces. There is only enough gravity between the earth and the moon to hold a moon 56 times smaller than the one we have, and then only if it is not orbiting. To overcome this 'problem' science has filled the moon with cavities, bubbles and whatever.
With Saturn they have declared it to be so light that it would float in water, and so on.
The farces of science go way beyond evolution, contaminating and perverting the truth about almost every known aspect of nature once understood by the ancients and openly spoken about in the Bible. Some of these lies are, stars being born and dying, the nature of matter, the cause of storms, earthquakes, ocean currents, sun spots and flares, aurora, rain, hail and snow, evaporation, the list is long.
The mentality of science - highchair science, has dominated the thinking of both atheist and Christian societies, leaving the world in almost complete ignorance, and incapable of understanding anything else. While technology - the hybridization of known science discovered a century ago, is supposed to make us believe that progress is being made, nothing can be further from the truth. it was the statement by professors in the 50's that science has reached the climax of discovery, which revealed that it had rail-roaded itself, proven by the fact that since the 1860's nothing significant has been discovered or invented on the fundamentals of matter and the universe. And what rubbish entered the minds of scientists after the 1860's if it was not a war on God through evolution. Pardon the long post.

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:15 pm
by Jac3510


It is fun to see really old threads!

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:46 pm
by 1over137
Starhunter wrote:It might interest some, that gravity does not hold the planets or galaxies or universe together, it is far too weak, but rather that gravity, magnetism etc are by-products, or principles of operation within these other greater forces. There is only enough gravity between the earth and the moon to hold a moon 56 times smaller than the one we have, and then only if it is not orbiting. To overcome this 'problem' science has filled the moon with cavities, bubbles and whatever.
May we have some reference from you?

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:52 pm
by Kenny
Prodigal Son wrote:isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?
I think you are refering to one of Joshua's wars.
The Earth spins at over 1000 mph. Can you imagine the damage momentum could cause if the entire planet immediately came to a screetching hault? Everything on the entire planet would be destroyed; mankind included. There is no scientific proof of this happening.

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:32 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Kenny wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote:isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?
I think you are refering to one of Joshua's wars.
The Earth spins at over 1000 mph. Can you imagine the damage momentum could cause if the entire planet immediately came to a screetching hault? Everything on the entire planet would be destroyed; mankind included. There is no scientific proof of this happening.

Maybe there was some sort of celestial event that caused it to remain daylight on the Earth when it should have been night instead of the Earth stopping it's rotation, maybe a supernova etc...

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:40 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
This idea interested me so I had a look around, here are some other possible theories.

Suggested answers may be divided into three main categories:

Some form of refraction (bending) of the light from the sun and the moon. According to this view, God miraculously caused the sunlight and moonlight to continue in Canaan for ‘about a whole day’. Supporters of this view point out:7

It was light that Joshua needed, not a slowing of the Earth.
God promised Noah that ‘while the Earth remaineth … day and night shall not cease’ (Genesis 8:22). This could be seen to mean that God promised that the Earth would not stop rotating on its axis until the end of human history. (However, it would not seem to preclude a temporary slowing down of the Earth’s rotation.)
Some form of light refraction appears to have been what happened in the reign of Hezekiah when the shadow on Ahaz’s sundial retreated ten degrees (2 Kings 20:11)—an event that appears to have occurred only in the land of Palestine (2 Chronicles 32:31).
A wobble in the direction of the Earth’s axis of rotation.

This involves a precession8 of the axis of the Earth, wobbling slowly so as to trace an ‘s’-shaped or circular path in the sky. Such an event could have made it appear to an observer that the sun and the moon were standing still, but need not have involved any actual slowing of the rotation of the Earth.

One suggestion was that this was caused by the orbits of the Earth and Mars being close together on this date.1 One problem is that these authors postulate an ancient orbit for Mars different from its present one, and there is no proof that this ever happened. Other suggested causes have included impacts of asteroids on the Earth.

A slowing of the Earth’s rotation.

According to this view, God caused the rotation of the Earth to slow down so that it made one full revolution in about 48 hours rather than 24. Simultaneously God stopped the cataclysmic effects that would have naturally occurred, such as monstrous tidal waves. Some people have objected to this on the erroneous assumption that, if the Earth slowed down, people and loose objects would fly off into space. In fact, the apparent centrifugal force (tending to throw things off the Earth) is only about one-three-hundredth of the gravitational force. If the Earth stopped rotating (whether suddenly or not), this outward ‘force’ would cease and we would actually be held more firmly by gravity.

The Earth at the equator moves at about 1,600 km/h (1,000 mph). The velocity needed to escape from the Earth’s gravity is about 40,000 km/h (25,000 mph). If the Earth was spinning as fast as this, we would all fly off into space anyway, regardless of whether the Earth stopped suddenly or not!

What about the momentum of people and objects travelling at 1,600 km/h on the Earth? Answer: A car travelling at 100 km/h can be stopped comfortably for the occupants in a few seconds; something travelling at 1,600 km/h could stop comfortably for passengers in a few minutes.

This scenario need only imply that God slowed the rotation of the atmosphere, oceans, and Earth simultaneously to prevent any tidal-wave effect, and any heat build-up inside the Earth due to friction from still-rotating liquid layers of the Earth’s core. And after the long day was over, the whole process would need to start up again.

It is certainly not impossible for God to have done all this, despite representing a major interruption of the natural order of things with respect to the Earth set up by God in Genesis 1.

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:13 am
by Silvertusk
Kenny wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote:isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?
I think you are refering to one of Joshua's wars.
The Earth spins at over 1000 mph. Can you imagine the damage momentum could cause if the entire planet immediately came to a screetching hault? Everything on the entire planet would be destroyed; mankind included. There is no scientific proof of this happening.

This was a supernatural event. And only one day - it could have well been a localised event as well. God can do the impossible after all.

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:25 am
by Kenny
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote:isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?
I think you are refering to one of Joshua's wars.
The Earth spins at over 1000 mph. Can you imagine the damage momentum could cause if the entire planet immediately came to a screetching hault? Everything on the entire planet would be destroyed; mankind included. There is no scientific proof of this happening.

Maybe there was some sort of celestial event that caused it to remain daylight on the Earth when it should have been night instead of the Earth stopping it's rotation, maybe a supernova etc...
Not just daylight, the Sun did not set.


Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:28 am
by Kenny
Silvertusk wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote:isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?
I think you are refering to one of Joshua's wars.
The Earth spins at over 1000 mph. Can you imagine the damage momentum could cause if the entire planet immediately came to a screetching hault? Everything on the entire planet would be destroyed; mankind included. There is no scientific proof of this happening.

This was a supernatural event. And only one day - it could have well been a localised event as well. God can do the impossible after all.
If you wish to believe that God used his powers to cause the Sun to not set so they could win a war (rather than use them to just help them with the war) Fine! But you gotta admit; there is no scientific evidence/proof that leads to this.


Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:49 am
by neo-x
Silvertusk wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote:isn't there a story in the bible where God supposedly made the earth stand still so some war could take place or something? is there any scientific proof for this?
I think you are refering to one of Joshua's wars.
The Earth spins at over 1000 mph. Can you imagine the damage momentum could cause if the entire planet immediately came to a screetching hault? Everything on the entire planet would be destroyed; mankind included. There is no scientific proof of this happening.

This was a supernatural event. And only one day - it could have well been a localised event as well. God can do the impossible after all.
There is no proof for such an event kenny. You either believe it is what happened as the Bible says or you don't.

Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:47 am
by PaulSacramento
Where doe sit say the Earth stood still?
It simply says that:
12 Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,

“O sun, stand still at Gibeon,
And O moon in the valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,
Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.
Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day. 14 There was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.

It says that it appeared to all involved, that the sun stayed in the some position for a whole day ( whatever that may have meant).

Nothing about the Earth standing still, only the sun ( the light of the sun more correctly I would think).