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Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:01 am
by TL

Is masturbating a sin? Please explain. If it is, how major is it?

I want to live a good life and be saved, both.

Re: Masturbation

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:21 am
by bizzt
TL wrote:Hi

Is masturbating a sin? Please explain. If it is, how major is it?

I want to live a good life and be saved, both.
Here is a Thread You can Look at ... sturbation

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:55 pm
by CountryBoy
I have a question and would like as many females to help as possible. Specially females with daughters. My 6 yr old daughter has recently discovered herself through masterbation. It's mind boggling to me that girls can start so early but then they always were the quick learners. She has a real good time with it, oouuuing and awwwwiing.

What do we do ladies. My wife seems to walk in on her often and tell her not to do it and she wants to know why she can't. How do you tell a six year old to quit doing something that feels so dog gone good?

I'm not about to tell her it'll make her go blind :lol: but it very well could be why I got glasses early :shock:

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:28 pm
by Felgar
CountryBoy wrote:What do we do ladies. My wife seems to walk in on her often and tell her not to do it and she wants to know why she can't. How do you tell a six year old to quit doing something that feels so dog gone good?
Add another item to my "why I'm scared of parenthood" pile. :D

Seriously though, that's a tough problem.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:31 pm
by kateliz
My sister had that problem when she was about that age I think. I don't think it was ever dealt with. Her son had that problem for quite awhile and began when he was probably five. He stopped when he wasn't left alone watching TV for so long, (it's very sadly all he would do- watch TV.) And I distinctly remember when I was in fourth grade seriously thinking I wouldn't be able to wait for marriage, (which will continue to be proven wrong!)

Not exactly sure what you should do, but the least is to explain that God has something so much better in store for her than that and she should wait for it like waiting for a really special present. Tell her those good feelings belong to a gift God hasn't given her yet, and until then it's off-limits just like desert is untill after dinner! Then back it up with action like keeping doors open or possibly even small punishments for "snitching" dessert ahead of time. She might understand something about it then and even come to respect it or be excited about her gift!