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Christian Presuppositions

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:42 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I'm rather curious, I'm hoping someone can point me to a book or a site or tell me something, but I've read by Schaeffer that non-Christians, while denying Christianity, unconsciously use Christian presuppositions that their philosophy/religion gives no foundation for, or actually contradicts Christian presuppositions that these people use. He never goes on and gives me good lists of these presuppositions,, what I want, is information about Christian presuppositions. I can think of some, but not many....and any August-like guys (and August himself) who wouldn't mind pointing out great blunders when people stole Christian presuppositions to attack Christianity...would be abliged.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:19 pm
by Kurieuo
Perhaps he is meaning things like meaningfulness in life (e.g., humanists who believe we should be concerned with the interests and welfare of humans although they may have secular beliefs which renders any meaning in such things worthless), good and bad (e.g., the Atheist who judges and says the crusades were "really" bad in one breath, while saying all morals are subjective in the next). I've also noticed those who embrace determinism constantly borrowing from the other side in life when it comes to issues involving justice, human rights, ethics, and so forth. Or what of the person who says, "who are you to judge?" as they ignorantly judge you with such a statement. Obviously such people believe there is some absolute standard we should be aware of, yet when it comes to their self they deny any such standard exists.


Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:11 pm
by j316
It is also true of atheists. I f you do not believe that God exists, then why are you refuting this belief in others? It shouldn't even be an issue. The people who engage in such arguments are hypocrites. You can't be against a concept unless you accept its existence, if you accept that it exists then it is just your belief against anothers. You can't prove anything from that basis.