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Lost Bible Books, 2 Raptures, Once Saved, Always Saved?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:52 pm
by Believer
I have been doing some major Bible research and came across some suprising information. First of all, according to this website - - it covers the lost books of the Bible which is VERY extensive. Second, I found information that probably most Bible readers worldn't even relize in the Bible that there are 2 raptures, it is according to this website - - and is very informative. Third, according again to - - is - - which explains I guess that "Once Saved, Always Saved" is a false doctrine.

This website - - is VERY interesting and has an archive of previous talk shows that talk about everything paranormal/supernatural, it is actually a radio station.

A personal question I need an answer to for the "Once Saved, Always Saved" false doctrine. Throughout my life from an infant to the eighth grade, I went to church camp a state away from where I live. I think when I was fourteen I got baptized at church camp. Granted, throughout all the years of going to church camp and church I never fully understood what being a Christian meant, so I kinda ignored it, I prayed like once a month, but ignored God and was in rebellion. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior on 2/11/95 at age 10 so I was baptized a few years later. For eight years, I have had a porn and masturbation problem which is a sin. It was in eighth grade when the porn and masturbation thing started and since then it has been hard to stop. It wasn't until March 2004 that a strong conviction came over me to repent of my sins that went unrepented. I did repent, though still now I struggle with porn and masturbation and I continue to repent after each slip up. I think somewhere in scripture, it explains that if you have accepted Christ and His sacrifice and continue in habitual sin, he will no longer be with you, or take his Holy Spirit away from you. I am worried about this because when I fall into porn sometimes (I'm trying to quit), I don't feel guilty until maybe the next day, sometimes I don't even feel guilty, and this makes me wonder if I am dead to sin and if the Holy Spirit has been withdrawn from me. Also last year while I was browsing Christian websites, I found this website's article - ... lesin.html - and I read it and I started obsessing over it. I have really bad Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. So for about 1-2 weeks (I'm forgetting), I was blaspheming the Trinity or to put it more specifically, the Holy Spirit for no reason, my obsessiveness took over and I was feeling EXTREMELY guilty doing it but I couldn't stop the blasphemous thoughts until I went to my parents for help and they said to surrender to God. I did so. My psychiatrist told me that if you try not to think of something, you will always usually end up thinking of it. There is research that shows that in some part of our brain, we have a God part of us, and when these thoughts were going thorugh my head consistently for that duration of those weeks, my head really hurt I guess in the God part of the brain. I also wanted to mention that I said a blasphemous thought outloud in hopes it would go away and it didn't. Now with my continued habitual sin and unwanted blasphemy, all the while still repenting of them, have I lost my salvation when I accepted Christ on 2/11/95 and dammned to hell with no forgivness in sight?

Oh yeah, would it be a good time to get re-baptized so I can take the Lord more seriously now?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:52 pm
by August
First of all, according to this website - - it covers the lost books of the Bible which is VERY extensive.
There is very good reason for the canonicity of the Bible as we know it today.

Check your pm.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:32 pm
by NCState
Well Brian, let me tell you that I know how you feel and Ive been through the same thing, trust me. Heres a few verses that have definitely helped me out, and hopefully you too!

-Luke 8:4 - The parable of the sower. This parable shows the reader where they stand with Christ. Definitely study this passage and reflect on yourself where you are as a Christian and where you would like to be.

-James 1:12
-1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.
-Romans 6:1, 2.

I believe that when you truly seek Him, Christ will always take you back when you go astray, no matter what youve done in the past. Another great passage is 2 Timothy 1:11-13, which says that even when we are unfaithful, He remains faithful to us. Christ died for us not because we are righteous, but because we are far from it!
There are many things you can do to overcome this battle, like getting involved with a local bible study in your church, praying often, spending some time alone everyday with the Lord, and definitely studying and knowing the Word of God. In the Bible, whenever Jesus was tempted, He always answered that temtation with a verse from scripture. It is a very powerful weapon against temptation, if you learn to use it! Jesus says that you will be saved if you endure with Him til the end (Mark 13:13). If you truly repent and seek Him, He will take away all your past sins, and you dont have to worry about them anymore! Look to the future Brian, and walk closer with Him. And when temtation rears it ugly head, run to God!! Study the Bible, pray, take a walk, go out with friends, anything! Have faith in Him Brian, and you cant go wrong!! Ill be praying for ya bud, God Bless!!
