Hi Alfredo,
I've never truly understood that Jesus is God. I have always beileved he is the Son of God.
What do you mean that you have always believed that Jesus is the "Son of God"? What do you understand by that term--"Son of God?"
God, i don't think so. Islam says he is only a prophet that never wished to be God himself.
I think some Jews now recognize that Jesus was "some kind of a prophet." The fact that Jesus was THE Messiah makes Him more than "only a prophet." The Qur'an calls Jesus Messiah, but the author of the Qur'an didn't seem to have a clue what that meant.
How could jesus be god and yet god told us not to worship anyone but him?
There is no conflict here Alfredo. We do worship only one God and don't forget Jesus accepted worship--He was worshipped--and if He was only a prophet it was His duty and obligation to correct those who worshipped Him and He never, ever did.
Other than that, i would be a muslim write now, if it wasn't for that one passage in the bible warning us all about "other false gospels"
Please excuse my bluntness here, Alfredo, but that is just about the poorest reason to become a Muhammadian Muslim that I have heard.
but what about Paul? Didn't he meddle with Christ's true teachings? Im waying out the evidence, and iam truly lost.
I have been studing this issue reading David Wenham's book, "Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity?" which is considered the most extensive treatment of this subject currently available. His conclusion is that Paul was a follower of Jesus--a servant of Jesus. Historian NT Wright says the same thing.
A soon to be theologian who writes articles for Answering-Islam has put together an analysis comparing what Jesus taught/said and what Paul taught/said. Perhaps you would like to look them over.
http://www.answering-islam.org/Wales/je ... l_more.htm
Other than that, Jesus said He would be the last of the prophets:
Luke 16: 16"The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it."
What this means to me is that anyone calling themselves a prophet after Jesus is a false prophet.
And don't forget this:
John 4:21-22, Jesus replied, "Believe me, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father here or in Jerusalem. You Samaritans know so little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes
through the Jews." (NLT)
Notice Jesus doesn't say salvation comes
only to the Jews, but
through the Jews. Salvation for the whole world will come through the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Muhammad was not a Jew.