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Hardwired for God.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:58 am
by Silvertusk
I just read this comment on the ex-athiest website and it struck me as very interesting.

It seems to be the case that every human being has this inbuilt genetic factor that makes them search for God. Some find him - and some overcome that factor and become athiest - but it is all there to start off with. Some scientists have called this the God gene.

The article went something like - if there was no odours - would we have nasel functionality - If there was nothing to see - we wouldn't have eyes - therefore if there is a genetic God gene - then there must be a God. At least evolution certain seems to work that way.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:31 am
by Felgar
Heh... Call it the 'God gene' if you want, but we've always known that people inherently recognize the existence of God.

[Bible]Romans 1:18-20